2029MKT Advertising And Integrated Marketing Communications - Case Study Assignment Help
Task Description
Title: Advertising and Creative Strategies Campaign Research (Case Study)
Type: Individual Assignment - Report
Learning Outcomes Assessed: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5
Report - Due Date: 26 April 2022 17:00 (QLD time)
Weight: 40% Marked out of: 40
Word limit: 3,000 words (+/- 10%)
Submission: SafeAssign ONLY
This is an individual assignment (report format). You are an advertising manager of a chosen company. Your task is to conduct an analysis of the current situation of the company and industry, and on this basis, to develop three recommendations for Major Advertising and Creative Strategies Campaign.
This report is an individual assignment (maximum 3,000 words report format). The 3,000 words (+/- 10%) is including all texts, table, figure, and appendix (i.e. excluding references at the end of the report). All reports must pass text matching report at the FINAL Assignment Submission Point. Please do not stress too much as you will have many visuals and tables so it is challenging to identify word count. We are not so concerned about this but more so the quality and depth of your research and analysis.
Students are required to choose Palmolive Body Wash product to work on in this assignment (see: https://www.palmolive.com.au/products-range/body-wash).
The structure of the report must contain the following key aspects:
40% Background and Situational Analysis
20% Analysis of Current and Previous Advertising and Campaigns – Outline your analysis and opportunities you have identified related to advertising and creative strategies campaign for your brand and product in the category.
25% Recommendations – Explanation of action/solution to address the opportunities related to the advertising and creative strategies campaign via recommendations based on your analysis (These outcomes see to inform Ass 3 for the Major Advertising Campaign that you will prepare in your teams)
10% References – Selecting and using evidence to support.
5% Report formatting and presentation
Title Page
- . Introduction and Company Background
1.1 Introduction (200 words approx)
- Context to the Industry and Category and what is happening in the market
- Link to Company and Brand in the Product Category
- Purpose of the report - What is this report about?
- Structure of the report – Approach to task
Write 1-2 sentences on each and put into one large paragraph to set the scene and the approach to the task. Be clear, concise but specific. Follow the exact format of below
- Context - (2-3 sentences) - Topics Sentences to set the scene – linked to literature – please use a multi-citing here to back up your ideas eg (Smith & Jones, 2018; Taylor & York, 2017 with some facts and stats around the size and growth or decline of the industry in which your product operates. – eg: In today’s global economy organisations are seeking to reposition their products……
- Link to Case and Identify Problem – (1-2 sentences) – As evidenced in the case of ………………. entering ……… Eg: As evident in the case of ……………………….
- Purpose/ Aim – (1 sentence) The purpose of this paper is to………
- Argument – (1 sentence) This report seeks to analyse…….
- Outline – (2-3 sentences) The analysis is achieved in seven key sections. Firstly,…… Additionally, ……….. Finally, …………….. before concluding.
1.2 Company Background
- Who is the company? What is there reach and scale?
- Are they a strong and established brand?
- Begin by searching the company’s website and About Us page
- Additionally, look at other relevant sites for this information – Size, where is it based, overview of progress over time to be established in the market?
- Consider depth of distribution and power of the brand etc?
- Think about the company in a marketing and branding context to give an overview of it in the marketplace.
- Please include a visual of the logo of the company, brand and image of the product
2.0 Background and Situational Analysis
2.1 Industry Analysis
Provide an overview of the Size, Growth or Decline, Opportunities and Trends in the “market/industry” in Australia. Back up all points with a citation with ideas from your research of the facts and stats from Passport, IBIS World, Company 360 and other quality Reports / Website like Roy Morgan and ABS.
Firstly, you should gather information on the industry as a whole. For example:
- What is the size of the industry in Australia?
- What are recent trends in the industry?
- What is the industry potential? E.g. Growth rate, industry life cycle, etc.
- Any information about the industry that could be useful for your decision-making
2.2 Competitor Analysis
Now you need to determine who are the main competitors in the industry. For example:
- Who are the key players?
- What are their points of similarity and difference? You can create a table on this too.
- How do the main competitors differentiate themselves in the marketplace?
- What are the most common forms of the main competitors’ communication strategies e.g. TV, magazine, in-store promotions, etc.?
- What are the most common forms of Advertising Approaches among the main competitors? Include images of how they advertise and what channels they mostly use.
- Make a large vertical table with only max 3 competitors per page (ie: you might like to have 2 tables with 2-3 in each
- Put the first column as the brand / product itself then create 5 others for a mix of direct and indirect competitors
2.3 Consumer Analysis
Now you need to provide a description of the consumer market associated with the product category. For example:
- Who are they? (e.g. their demographic, psychographic, geographic and behavioural characteristics)
- What are the issues facing consumers of this product category?
- What are the factors important to consumers when making the purchase/consumption decisions in this market?
- Are they influenced by others? Do they make the purchases themselves?
- Are there particular consumer needs not being met in the current marketplace?
- Try to research on Roy Morgan and also look at consumer trend reports on issues with your category e.g.: single use plastics, eco-friendly, health-conscious consumers etc.
- Additionally, create a Mood Board and insert say 3-10 pictures that represent the consumer persona (e.g.: Shows age, gender, reference group, interests and activities, style of clothes etc) – Google some example mood boards
3.0 Advertising and Creative Strategies Campaign Analysis and Opportunities
3.1 Advertising and Creative Strategies Campaign Analysis
This section should include the following points:
- Strengths and weaknesses of the current Major Advertising and Creative Strategies Campaign of your chosen company and the likely outcomes of this approach.
- The focus of the current Major Advertising and Creative Strategies Campaign and the company’s profitability because of this approach.
3.2 Analysis of Opportunities related to Future Campaign Development
- This is where you build on the Background Analysis section. You need to list at least THREE market opportunities that your company could take advantage of, improve or adapt. These ideas will feed directly into your ideas in your recommendations below for your future plan for your campaign pitch.
- You should give some justification and examples for each identified opportunity.
4.0 Recommendations and Conclusion
4.1 Recommendations – Explanation of action/solution to address the issue related to the stakeholder via recommendations (Major Advertising and Creative Strategies Campaign)
- THREE recommendations (Major Advertising and Creative Strategies Campaign).
- Please provide justifications for each recommendation using the analysis of market opportunities.
- Please also analyse the costs and benefits associated with the THREE recommendations.
- Please support your arguments with research-based evidence from business and academic sources where appropriate
Further instructions on your recommendations:
Provide suggestions for what key actions are to be implemented from your analysis of the Company and Brand.
- Recommendations should be actionable and implementable suggestions you have made as a result of your analysis
- Creatively Brainstorm what things you and your team will need to do moving forward?
- Do not use first person – Please write in third person like the rest of your report
- Please ensure you back up some of your ideas with sources to affirm the suggested outcomes – use some sources from in your paper already like Passport or Journals etc on a few points if possible
- Maybe some multi-citing at the end of each sentence from a few sources you have used above as well as maybe some new ones to affirm these ideas with literature
- Feel free to use some headings and/or dot points if needed but ensure you have a few meaningful fairly long sentences around each recommendation
- Potentially have 3 longer recommendations or 5 shorter ones but have at least 4-6 sentences min on each recommendation.
- Feel free to include any ideas you think are workable for the business to reposition in assignment 3 - Campaign
Please note that the focus of this assignment is to develop three recommendations for Major Advertising and Creative Strategies Campaign. This assignment allows for some strategic management analysis to inform implementation. However, the key focus is on the Advertising and Creative Strategies aspects and development of Advertising strategies for the chosen company as you move into Ass 3.
5.2 Conclusion (100-200 words)
- Summary of the key issues, opportunities and recommendations to draw meaningful outcomes from your analysis.
- Meaningful summary of outcomes from your analysis of the research
- Draw meaning at the end of your paper to wrap up why you wrote it and what it all means
- Feel free to back up ideas with some sources you have used above to affirm your ideas if needed
- Maybe some multi-citing at the end of each sentence from the articles you have used above in your paper to analysis
- Don’t use first person – create a clear summary
- Don’t use any new content or ideas just summarise outcome from the paper and your analysis to display understanding
For example:
In conclusion,…………… From the analysis this report acknowledged…….. Additionally, …….. Furthermore, …… Moreover, ….. Overall,….. Ultimately, this paper has highlighted.....
Reference List – Selecting and using evidence to support
(Not included in the word count)
A reference list should be included. A minimum of 10 references from quality sources are expected. References should include a good mix of business and academic sources. You must use the American Psychological Association (APA) referencing style. There is an APA referencing guide included under the assessment details folder on Learning@Griffith. APA 6th or 7th is fine.
- Reference list starts on new page – Must be a reference list of all things you cited not a bibliography of anything you found and might of looked at but didn’t include in text
- Must be 100% correct and consistent APA 6th or 7th style
- Please use the Griffith Referencing Guide – Triple check your list
- Focus on using variety of sources like Passport, IBIS World, Roy Morgan, ABS, VALS, Reports and Peer Reviewed Academic Journal Articles – Min of 10
- Alpha order – Don’t dot point or number
- Don’t justify the alignment and Use Single line spacing
- Must ident the 2nd line on with hanging indent – See example below to follow – Turn the “Ruler” on and move 2nd line on in or set up a hanging indent
- Remove any hyperlinks by clicking right click and remove ie: so there is no blue on the list if you have websites – You do not need any retrieval dates
(Avoid using too many websites and use more credible sources like Passport and Quality Academic Peer Reviewed Sources from Databases like Emerald, Proquest, Science Direct)
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