2029MKT Advertising And Integrated Marketing Communications - Group Assignment
Groups: NO MORE than 5 people and min is best at 3 to a group
(Worth 40% of course assessment).
Due Date: Please check Learning@Griffith for the presentation materials submission due date. Presentations commence in Week 11 and go through until Week 12. If you are face to face in class and are Group 1-4 you present in Week 11 and if you are Group 5-9 you present in Week 12 during your normal class time. Online students please discuss with your tutor.
Task: Your group is to present a persuasive advertising pitch (presentation) for 20 minutes and this is to be supported by a pack of beautifully presented, creative and visual PowerPoint slides. This assessment will be marked during your presentation time slot in class. The marker will make their decision based on your presentation and any materials presented during the pitch itself.
Your team should select 1 product, category, brand, and company in line with your decision in Assignment 1 research task to inform the recommendations for your pitch. You can also come up with additional and better throughout recommendations as you progress for your team to implement to build on your outcomes collectively from Assignment 1.
Your presentation will describe the product, price, place along with the target market, the communication objectives and the advertising campaign, implementation, and evaluation in detail after presenting a short summary of ideas from Assignment 1 on your Background, Company, Market, Competitors, Positioning and Consumer.
You are to present your campaign pitch in workshops week 11/12 and you are to imagine the audience comprises a group of agency professionals who are pitch a campaign strategy to the client who owns the brand. This must be a persuasive presentation. Your campaign will run in Australia only for a period of 12 months. You do not have a budget, but you must be realistic and make sound decisions in your campaign if you are to gain the confidence of your proposed client e.g.: don’t only do expensive TV ads or suggest a very high-profile influencer.
How To?: Your seminar program is designed to step you through the stages of
your assignment and is very clear on what is required. This will be achieved by using a total of 7 worksheets that are included in this workbook.
Background Analysis
The first decision you need to make is what product category you wish to select for your campaign – remembering that you must have a target market clear based on your analysis.
Industry Analysis:
Having decided on your product category, it is now time to do some research. Firstly, you should gather information on the industry as a whole.
- Can you find out details of the size of the industry in Australia?
- Did you discover any trends in the industry?
- From your research, is there any information regarding the potential of the industry?
- What else did you find out about the industry that could be useful to your decision-making?
Competitor Analysis:
Now you need to determine who the main competitors are in the industry.
- Who are the key players? Use Ass 1 for ideas and build on the visuals used to create this section.
- How do they differentiate themselves in the marketplace i.e. what is their positioning strategy?
- What are the most common forms of communication strategies i.e. TV, magazine, in-store promotions etc.??
Consumer Analysis:
- Outline an overview of your typical consumer and present a general mood like in Ass 1
- Give a basic description of the consumer market associated with this category.
- What are the issues facing consumers of this product category?
- What the factors important to consumers in making the purchase/consumption decisions in this market?
- Are they influenced by others? Do they make the purchases themselves?
- Are there particular consumer needs not being met in the current marketplace?
µ TIP: Don’t fall into the trap of making this section half your assignment – it is only worth 10% of your overall mark – but is an important section, as it will substantiate your product and target market and communication decisions.
The Target Market and Product, Pricing and Placement Decisions
From the information gathered in your background analysis, establish a case for your product and your target market.
Identify your proposed Target market by outlining specifics on the demographic, geographic, psychographic, and behavioural valuables.
Give a detailed description of the target market using visuals e.g., your target might be females; you might want to be more specific with age or where they live or what type of job they are looking for (e.g., graphic design, engineering, marketing etc.).
Justify why the target market has been chosen and how the features of the product you are about to describe will address their needs and/or wants, or why it might appeal to them.
Product Details:
This is the section where you are going to describe, in detail, your product.
Product Name: Think carefully about your product name. Will it appeal to the target market and does it send the right message about the product? What are the unique attributes you will focus on in your campaign?
Product Packaging: Describe the packaging in detail (you might like to include a drawing). You should describe things like, shape, size, material, colourings and wording. (Refer to the section on packaging in your text on Pages 288-289).
Product Price: Now, how are you going to price this product if it changing or to at least let the audience know the strategies the campaign will use? Remember, price communicates quality messages to consumers that will be communicated in the campaign, so it is important!
Distribution: Now, where are you going to sell this product? How does this relate to your target market? What message will the place of sale send about the product to your target market? Have you identified new channels for distribution e.g.: your body wash is sold in supermarkets, convenience stores, chemists and service stations but you will now sell it in gyms, sporting venues and health foods stores?
- Tip: The product decisions (name, packaging, price and distribution must all integrate to send a common message about the product) and must be made with your target market in mind!
Communication Objectives and Central Creative Theme
In this section you, firstly, have to outline your campaign COMMUNICATION objectives and then your central creative theme.
Communication Objectives:
This is a section often not done well by students. In this section, we are not looking for marketing objectives. We are asking for communication objectives – in other words, what is it that you want to achieve by this campaign. For example, if the whole idea for the campaign is to inform your target market about your product then your objective needs to be related to that. As you are all introducing a new product to the marketplace, then it is logical that one of your communication objectives would be in relation to creating brand awareness.
The other mistake students make is that they do not state their objectives properly. Remember, the five requirements of an objective are:
- Must be measurable
- Must include a time frame
- Must include a baseline
- The goal must be realistic
- What is the percentage change you are looking for
Central Campaign Theme
Now you need to make a decision on what the central theme for your campaign is. Remember, when making all decisions with your campaign, from this point onwards, you must relate it back to your target market and your communication objectives. You need to stay focussed on these two key areas with all of your decisions. Make sure your justification for the decision about your central theme is clearly stated in this section. To help you with this section, your group should firstly read the “generating ideas section” from Pages 428-430 of your text. This may help you. Then you should, as a group, embark on a brainstorming session. Each member should write down as many campaign ideas as they can come up with (no matter how silly the idea may seem). Then, as a group, discuss each of the ideas and then eliminate ideas that are not well accepted by the group, and at the same time, put aside ideas that are thought to be OK. This will give you a shortlist to work with and this will aid you in making the final decision. This decision will guide the entire campaign strategy and the creation of your ad mook ups.
µ Tip: Some of the silliest or simplest ideas often become great advertising campaign themes.
Media Selection
In this section, you need to clearly set out what media and promotional activities you are going to use for your campaign. This section overlaps with your justifications in Worksheet 5 next and when you make the actual advertisements and mook up sales promotions.
You are required to select two or three different types of media to use in your campaign e.g., broadcast (TV and radio), print media (magazines, newspapers etc.), outdoor media (billboards, bus shelters etc.), internet media. In fact, any two types of media discussed in Chapter 8, 9, or 10 of your textbook. However, if you say select outdoor you might past the same images of your advertisement in your campaign on an example billboard, bus shelter and tram. Similarly, with Socials you might do mook ups and place across different platforms as examples. Remember it is best to write the copy that accompanies the advertisement too like you have been taught in class.
You will need to present your argument as to why these types of media were selected i.e., what is the link to your target market and communication objectives.
Media Vehicles: You will also need to present your decision on media vehicles and why? For example, if you have chosen one of your media types to be TV then you will need to state which TV show (i.e. Glee, Friends, Home and Away, News etc.) and why.
Promotional Activities:
To go hand in hand with your media selection, you must also choose one or two promotional activities to run as well. Choose any promotional activity you want (you may like to refer to Table 2.2 on Page 62 of your Text for some ideas or you may come up with your own). Please be specific on the details of the promotion and justify why and how this relates to your target market and communication objectives.
µ Tip: Think about how your media selection and promotional activity can work hand-in-hand to create maximum impact.
Now that you have decided on your central theme and the type of media you are using to communicate your message, it is time to create your messages. When you are creating your messages, stay focussed on your communication objectives and your target market. It is strongly suggested that you have a thorough read of Chapter 12 before embarking on this section of your project.
Creative Strategy
The types of things you need to consider out of Chapter 12 are:
- Are you going to use a soft-sell or hard-sell approach?
- Are you going to use a rational or emotional strategy?
- Is your message going to be in the form of a lecture or drama?
- What do you want to achieve by the message - attention/awareness? interest? memory?
- Is it a message to drive cognition or emotions or persuade or drive action or transform a product into a brand?
- What will your message approach be – straightforward, demonstrative, comparison, problem/solution, problem avoidance, humour, slice-of-life format, spokesperson, teaser or shock advertising?
As you can see there are lots of things to consider and all of these choices must be DISCUSSED in your presentation.
Campaign Advertisements
Remember, you have already chosen at least two or three types of media e.g. (you might have chosen TV advertising and billboard advertising – THIS IS ONLY AN EXAMPLE – you could have chosen any you think are relevant and justify why you choose them). So now you need to actually create your ads. In this section you must describe and show your ads.
Presenting your ads:
- If you are doing a TV ad, you will need to show a storyboard, images or videos - Examples of storyboards will be given to you in the seminar.
- Print Ad (magazine, newspaper, billboard, bus shelter etc.)
- Internet ad or digital or sponsored ad
- Radio Ad, a script for the ad
- Any other
Please note: This assignment is not testing your ability to draw or graphically design – so drawing stick people is fine if that is all you can do – all we need you to do is get the idea across to us as to what your ad will look like and what it will say. You will NOT be marked on your ability to draw or create electronic ads but these typically do assist the process and you are welcome to use programs like Canva, Photoshop, Wix and free logo markers. You are not required to buy any programs.
Your promotional activity (and creative strategy)
You have already described your promotional activity for this campaign. In this section, you should describe your promotional MATERIALS. (could be brochure, coupon, cardboard displays, t-shirts etc. etc.). You need to show what these will look like.
Campaign Schedule & Evaluation & Contingency Plans
Campaign Schedule
Now it is time to think about the timing of everything. The plan you are doing is for a 12-month period, so you need to decide when you are going to run your media ads and your promotional activity. It is strongly suggested that you refer to the different types of timing strategies described on Pages 401 to 404 of your text. Make sure, in this section, you describe which strategy you have chosen and why. Also, justify what month you want to start your campaign in and why? Remember, you can start your campaign in any month (it does not have to be January) – but the schedule must go for 12 months. For example, you may wish to run your campaign from May – the following April.
In table format, then outline when your activities will run. You can do this by putting a column for each month of the year at the top and your activities down the side. Then, all you need to do is simply black out the cells when your particular media/promotion activity will be running. Examples can be found in Chapter 11. Briefly describe each activity (media/promotion), when it will be run and why?
Campaign Evaluation
This is the final set of decisions you need to make. Rather than get to the end of the campaign and find out that you did not achieve your communication objectives, you need to measure how you are going along the way.
In this section, you need to outline when and how you will measure your progress throughout the campaign. You need to look closely at Chapter 6 of your textbook, which describes the types of tests commonly used. Remember, each time you test it will cost money so you must be realistic with your testing. It is vital that you link back to your communication objectives here.
Contingency Plans
What happens if you do test along the way and you find you are nowhere near achieving your communication objectives? This is when you must have some contingency plan (or back-up plan) in place. In this section, you need to describe how you might change your campaign strategy along the way if you discover it is not quite working. For example, you may refer simply to shifting your emphasis from one type of media to another. Remember, you can’t go changing your whole campaign at this point, but you can make slight alterations that may help.
µ Tip: Stay focussed on your communication objectives and target market.
Giving a good presentation is dependent on ONE key principle: KNOW YOUR AUDIENCE. When you think about it, it is no different in marketing when we must know our audience (i.e., our target market). I want you to imagine that you are presenting to a group of professionals who is listening to your agencies proposed campaign. So be persuasive!!!
The following table will help you with the structure and timing of your presentation:
Starting with.......... | Introduction, Background, Target Market and Product descriptions (in line with 4 Ps), communication objectives and central theme (Worksheets 1, 2 and 3) |
Finishing with........ | Media Selection, Creative Strategy, Campaign Schedule, Evaluation and Contingency Plans and Conclusion (Worksheets 4, 5 and 6) |
Quality of your presentation will be worth 10 marks out of 100. This is how you will be marked.
The following points will help you with your presentation slides, which should be creative and visual.
- ALL group members MUST sign into Team on BB (Learning@Griffith) and only one student from your team submits.
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