NURS1003 Assessment 2: Group Presentation

Length: 20 content slides (maximum). Figures and tables slide and References slide are additional. Presentation time: 20 minutes (maximum) Value: 25 %

One of the challenges facing health professionals is providing health and social support to vulnerable groups, including those who are marginalised on the basis of identity, association, experience and lifestyle. Marginalisation is the social process of being made marginal (being separated from the rest of society, occupying the fringes, and of lower social standing). Marginalisation, which is often the outcome of stigmatisation and discrimination, has a negative impact on health because marginalised people have poor access to the social determinants of health.

This assignment will provide students with an opportunity to understand the impact of marginalisation on vulnerable populations in Australian society and to propose processes for ameliorating the effects of marginalisation on health and wellbeing.

Students will be allocated to a presentation group during the semester and groups will be provided with access to their group members through the Blackboard function, "My Groups". Group members should make contact with each other to start organising tasks and the group process. Each group will develop a presentation based on their assigned marginalised population. The presentations will critically analyse (i.e., not just describe) the health and social status of the marginalised population, with reference to:

  1. How/why this population group is marginalised
  2. The impact of the social determinants of health on the marginalised group
  3. The role of the three sectors: government, private and civil society (which includes non- government organisations)
  4. Barriers to accessing services/support
  5. A human rights approach to improving health and reducing marginalisation

Design and Content

  • Create a presentation in PowerPoint and present to your class on the nominated day
  • Provide a clear Introduction and Conclusion
  • Demonstrate research in the form of references from academic, government and non- government sources (both on slides and in reference list).
  • Aim for visual engagement (e.g. written text, colour, photographs, links to videos)
  • Include individual student’s name on the slides for which they provided the research/content –this is essential for the individual component of the marking guide
  • Include a list of references for figures and tables on a separate slide and a reference list on separate slide(s)
  • Use APA (7th ed.) referencing on slides and in the end reference list (see Library Guide)

In addition to preparing a group PowerPoint presentation, each group member will:

  • include the script of the oral presentation in the Notes section of the PowerPoint slides. NB referencing in the Notes is not required; the Notes will provide a check point for the marker when marking your submission in


Introduction (all group members are responsible for the content in the introduction and conclusion)

  • The title slide should clearly identify the marginalised population and the names of the students who have contributed to the
  • Use the Introduction to tell the audience about your main stance or position on the needs of the marginalised group. In other words, provide a thesis statement: What are the main health and social issues? What would improve the current situation?
  • Do not use the Introduction to provide a Table of Contents (your tutor and the examiners already know what you will cover, generally).


Students will briefly define key terms as they apply to their marginalised population. The content may be sourced from academic literature, government and non-government sources, including web- based reports. Group members will need to share information with each other to avoid overlap of content and to develop a coherent and comprehensive presentation.

Your in class presentation will:

  • Critically discuss issues and factors contributing to the marginalisation, stigma and/ or discrimination of your allocated population in Australian
  • Explain why a focus on the social determinants of health is necessary to understand the issues faced by your marginalised
  • Identify and analyse current services for members of your marginalised population (as provided by government, private sector and/or civil society). Do these sectors work in partnership or do they have different agendas and goals?
  • Identify barriers to the uptake of appropriate health and social services and propose recommendations to improve health equity. For example, consider ways that social determinants of health and cultural determinants, such as age, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, migrant experience, socio-economic status or religion affect
  • Explain how a human rights approach could reduce the marginalisation, stigmatisation and/or discrimination of your target population. Is there a “success story” from another country or an international agency where the human rights of this marginalised group have been improved by positive intervention?


Provide some critical discussion of findings before the Conclusion (or provide critical analysis in each section of the presentation. Re-states the thesis statement. Is the group left with questions about the issues the target population faces? Look to the future. Any recommendations?

NURS1003 Assessment 2: Group Presentation (Internal Mode) 2021

Sources and Evidence



  • Provide specific and relevant evidence to support the points you make (e.g. statistics, quotes, numbers, dates). You must place your citation directly after each dot point/sentence on the slide where you have taken information from another source. It is not correct use of APA referencing to put your citations(s) at the bottom of each


  • At least 15 sources are required and 9 - 10 of these should be academic or government
  • Refer to the Curtin library referencing guide for referencing figures and tables on PowerPoint slides and for adding a separate slide with details about the figures and tables (including Copyright information):
  • Reference list, without bullet points, on the final slide(s) (formatted in APA 7th )
  • Do not cut and paste information directly from websites or academic texts. Paraphrase or quote on slides and in

Presentation Impact

  • Presentation should be verbally clear and visually engaging (e.g. may include written text, use of colour, photographs, links to video or sources). However, remember, videos from other sources are not your original work and will not contribute significantly to the mark for content, therefore they should be limited in time as this is taking time away from your


Group Process

Once groups have been allocated, group members will work through and complete the Group Agreement. The Group Agreement provides students with an opportunity to discuss group process and delegate tasks fairly. The document will provide evidence of the agreed processes and procedures relating to the assignment, should any group member fail to complete their appointed tasks.

One member of the group (only) submits the completed Agreement after all members have seen the document, agreed to it, and added their name to the last page. The Agreement should be submitted by Friday 17thSeptember, 2021 at the latest. However you are encouraged to complete the Agreement as soon as possible so that all group members are aware of the process and are able to start work on the assessment immediately.

Group Participation

  • This is a group assessment. Each individuals must contribute relevant individual content for the presentation, and contribute to the introduction and thesis, analysis and conclusion
  • All group members are responsible for preventing plagiarism and academic dishonesty within a group assessment – this includes in-slide referencing and the reference
  • Individual content should be provided to the group in time for feedback and to provide sufficient time for formatting slides to a uniform presentation
  • The Group Leader (or a nominated group member) only submits the final slides and notes to two portals: the Turnitin submission link and to the Blackboard submission link; they are not expected to coordinate the group for all activities

NURS1003 Assessment 2: Group Presentation (Internal Mode) 2021

  • Students will submit a peer review form based on the participation of all members


Late penalties apply to submissions after the due date as per the Unit Outline.

  1. One group member submits the Group Agreement online through the Group Agreement Submission Link by Friday 17th September. Groups are encouraged to submit the Contract earlier so that you can focus on your group
  2. The Group leader (or nominated person) submits the PowerPoint presentation to two links by

6 pm, (18.00 hours WST), Monday 4th October. (Semester Week 11):

  1. The Turnitin Link (A) – submit the PowerPoint presentation in .pptx format (without narration) through the Turnitin link: Group Presentation Submission Link (A). This submission link is for checking for academic integrity. Make sure you save a duplicate of the final PowerPoint presentation before for adding the narration to the slides for the Blackboard submission (Submission Link B).
  2. The Blackboard Assessment Link (B) – submit an identical copy of the PowerPoint presentation in .pptx to Group Presentation Submission Link (B). This version will be used to assess and mark the presentation and provide feedback to all group
  3. Each student will submit their Peer Review Form through the Turnitin Peer Review and Individual Participation submission link by 11:59 pm, (2359 hours WST), on the day of your class presentation.

All submission links will be located in the Assessment 2 folder in the Assessments link in Blackboard.

Group and Individual Marks and Feedback

 Each student will receive a group mark (worth 20%) and an individual mark (worth 5%). The group mark will be based on the full presentation and all group members will receive the same mark.

An individual mark and individual feedback will be provided to all group members and will comprise the Individual contribution to the presentation (assessed by your tutor) and feedback on your contribution to the group process (from the peer review forms). This may vary between individuals with a group.

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