MGT4801 Assessment 1: Individual coursework

Summative assessment Weighting Deadline Feedback
Assessment 1

Individual coursework

Project Charter & Scope Statement

25% LW 8

[6.00pm, Saturday, 20th November 2021]

Within 15 working days


Formative assessment Deadline
In-class feedback for Assessment 1 As per section 9 Learning Planner in Module Handbook


Individual Assignment brief
Module code MGT4801
Module title Fundamentals of Project Management
Submission date, time Submission date and time as per Assessment Deadlines Table

Submission type: online via TurnitIn

Feedback type & date Feedback will be provided online on the submitted document on TurnitIn as per Assessment Deadlines Table:
Word count 1,000 words (+/- 10%)
Assignment type Individual report
Assignment structure and format Students will develop content for a Project Charter & Scope Statement for a project idea. This individual assessment is intended to simulate the real output of the project management initiation phase. The assignment will allow students to demonstrate understanding of a project justification, components and impacts. 
Assessed learning outcome (s) This assessment addresses learning outcomes 1, 2, 3.
Module weighting % 25%
Key reading and learning resources Key resources:

Larson, E.W., Gray, C.F., 2020. Project management: The managerial process (8th Ed). Grandview Heights, OH: McGraw-Hill Education.

Class notes

Accompanying template



The following table details the support you will be receiving for this assignment and the feedback opportunities you will have.             

Support and draft feedback sessions for Individual Assessment
Coursework briefing

Individual coursework briefing will be available online. The coursework briefing will be discussed in class (as per section 9: Learning Planner).


Draft feedback opportunities

Formative assessment and feedback will take place as per section 9: Learning Planner, where students will provide key queries regarding their work. Students can receive feedback on their work-in-progress during office hours (via email request for appointment) and during the coursework surgery. Coursework surgery appointments need to be booked in advance based on link provided by the Dubai Module Coordinator.

Additional support

We will have a CAS training workshop as per section 9: Learning Planner.

For additional support, students can utilise:

·         Centre for Academic Success (CAS) Consultation: you have the option to book individual consultations or group appointments with members of the CAS Team. These sessions have been known to help students reach their academic goals through one-on-one consultations with our highly professional and helpful CAS team members. For more information on the services offered by the CAS Team, or to book an individual consultation, you may send an email to

·         An Introduction to the Research Process - free online course: Register for this (free) online Library course to learn the 5 steps of the research process, and to improve your skills using our Library resources. Register at 

·         Book-a-Librarian: Need help finding books, e-books and articles? Book a one-to-one consultation with an expert Librarian at:


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