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pandemic trade policies

During the COVID-19 pandemic governments in developing countries and emerging economies around the world have implemented policies with several objectives: reduce the spread of the disease and ensure food security. Restrictions on mobility due to lockdowns are reducing income and affecting trade. Food prices are going up, while income is going down. Governments are implementing trade policies to ensure that there is enough food at affordable prices for their citizens. Many economists are comparing these government responses with those of the 2008 food crisis.

Read the following documents to answer the questions below in the paper. 

  1. Martin, W., & Gaubler, J. (2020). Trade Policy and Food Security. In COVID-19 and Trade Policy: Why Turning Inward Won’t Work(p. 187). CEPR Press eBook.

Link to download: (Links to an external site.)

(This link downloads the eBook, you only are required to read Martin & Gaubler chapter, not the entire book)

  1. Sulser, T., & Dunston, S. (2020, May 15). COVID-19-related trade restrictions on rice and wheat could drive up prices and increase hunger. IFPRI Blog Research Post. (Links to an external site.)

  1. COVID-19 Food Trade Policy Tracker | IFPRI : International Food Policy Research Institute. (2020).

Retrieved June 16, 2020, from (Links to an external site.)

You MUST cite these 3 readings within the assignment. You also are encouraged to use additional references, as needed, from academic journal articles, documents from reputable international organisations (including but not limited to IFPRI, FAO, WB, ADB). Avoid using references from the popular press. You do not get additional marks for putting more references; you should use references that are relevant and cite them in the document.

Your paper must do the following:

  • Explain the rationale of rice and wheat export bans (prohibit ALL exports).
  • Use economic theory (graphs) to describe the effects in prices, quantities, and welfare effects of these policies in exporting and importing countries.
  • Explain how these trade policies compare to those implemented by developing countries and emerging economies during the food crisis of 2008?
  • Explain how this experience can help with the trade policy formulation process during COVID-19?

Based on your analysis, provide recommendations for the implementation of trade policies to ensure food security during the pandemic. Make emphasis on how different policies affect the poor and most vulnerable groups of the population and why.

You must follow the instructions below:

  • The paper must be no less than 700 words, and no more than 800 words, exclusive of figures, tables and references.
  • The essay must be analytical, rather than a summary of journal articles or class contents, supporting the discussion with relevant citations.
  • The paper should focus on broad issues rather than on specific details, show your understanding of the concepts presented in the class and how they relate to the question for the paper assignment.
  • The paper introduction must present and outline the essay; the analysis and conclusions must be consistent. 

Formatting your paper

  • The paper should contain an introduction, analysis and conclusion.
  • Include a cover letter with the class title, your name, student id, word count (excluding references and figures) and date.
  • References should follow the American Psychological Association (APA) format and the list of references presented at the end of the paper.
  • The word limit is strict (exclusive of a cover letter, figures, tables, and references). Use graphs and tables sparsely and only to help you make your point, place them at the end of the document (after the references), and reference them and indicate their location in the text.
  • The paper should be double spaced, with 2.6 cm margins, font size 12, Times New Roman or Times, in A4 size paper.

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