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Question & Answers

HSC210 Health Sociology

Description/purpose: 10 Short answer questions covering the content of Modules 1,2,3, 4, 5 & 6

The purpose of this assessment is to ensure that students understand the content covered during the semester and ensure the learning outcomes of the course are attained. There are 10 questions students must answer in approximately 200 words per question.

 HSC210_Written assessment _Student Template.docx HSC210_Written assessment _Student Template.docx - Alternative Formats


 HSC210 Marking Criteria S2-2019.pdf HSC210 Marking Criteria S2-2019.pdf - Alternative Formats

Value: 50% of the total grade
Due Date: 2359 ACST, June 5, 2020
Length: 2000 words in total, excluding references
Task: 1. Students should download the word document above that provides the template with the questions that students must use. Please do not change the format of the template.

2. Student's need to add their name and student number to the header.

3. Answer all 10 questions as succinctly as you can.

4. Download the rubric as this will guide you in what is required in order to respond to each question.

5. You will need to sources a number of reliable sources such as peer reviewed articles, research and data in order to respond to the questions adequately.

6. Students will be penalised for referencing and utilising unreliable websites ( Wiki, Cliffsnotes, UK Essays are just some examples).

7. Ensure that all references used throughout your work are notes in your reference list on the final page using APA referencing.

Preparation: Students should read widely prior to completing this assignment. This includes all required readings but should move beyond these to include other sources.

A bibliography is available on Learnline to help you with this process.

For an assignment of this length you will need to include at least 9-11 references.

Majority of the references  should be based on journal articles, books, book chapters and peer reviewed papers. You can use websites but citations from Wikipedia are unacceptable.

Typically a good strategy is to use the set readings to cover the key sociological concepts and ideas and then if you are using an example issue  do some further reading so that you have evidence relating to your chosen example.

Assessment Criteria: The assignment will be expected to address the following criteria:

·         Demonstrated understanding and application of appropriate sociological theories, concepts and perspectives

·         Application of critical analysis to draw out the key debates and assumptions 

·         Key concepts, debates and issues are identified and critical reflection is applied to each topic.

·         Wide reading is evidenced in both the analysis and the examples utilised.

·         Appropriate research and data is utilised relevant to the topic

·         Answers are succinctly executed

·          APA referencing is used

·         Answers must be in Calibri 11 Font with 1.5 line spacing as per format

·         Format as per template provided

·         Header must contain your details: Surname, Initial , student number and Course Code

Please ensure you follow the instructions provided in Assessment THREE in the assessment sections on learnline.  

Question 1

What insights do post-modernist perspectives provide and what might this mean for health practice?

Question 2

Despite increases in funding, explain why in Australia, Indigenous health outcomes are still an issue? Provide examples to illustrate your argument.

Question 3

Psychiatry can be viewed as an institute of social control. Draw on sociological theories and examples to discuss this statement.

Question 4

What are the key benefits and limitations of e-health?

Question 5

How does ideology and politics shape health outcomes? Draw on examples such as the PBS to illustrate your points.

Question 6

Certain mechanisms of functionalist theory are utilised today. Discuss what they are and highlight the main assumptions and limitations of functionalism.

Question 7

What is medical dominance and how does the medical profession achieve medical dominance in Australia?

Question 8
Explain the concept of discourse and explain how it is relevant to health and biomedicine in Australia. Draw on examples to highlight you points.

Question 9

What is multi-culturalism and how might health needs differ for immigrants and refugees to people who are born in Australia?

Question 10

What are the social determinants of health and how do they help us understand the dynamics of globalisation and inequity? Draw on examples in the Australian context to illustrate your key points.

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