PPMP20009 Contextualizing Lean principles through the study of a Lean transformation project

General Criteria

Individual assessment

This assessment is to be researched, compiled, and submitted individually. Students are expected to adhere to the current CQU Academic Integrity standards, please see below:



APA referencing style is preferred for this assessment, for information see link below: American Psychological Association 7th Edition (APA 7th edition)

Word count limit (excluding references and appendices)

Your submission should be made as a Microsoft Word document comprising 2,000 to 2,500 words. Text length less than 2000 words and over 2500 words will attract a penalty of 5% of the allocated marks for this assessment task. This means that, for this assessment (worth 40 marks), the mark that you earn will be reduced by 2 marks.

Late submission penalty

Late submissions will attract penalties at 5% for each calendar day or part thereof that it is late of the total available mark for the individual assessment item. This means that, for an assessment worth 40 marks, the mark that you earn is reduced by 2 marks each calendar day that the assessment is late (including part-days and weekends). See clause 5.53 of the Assessment Policy and Procedure (Higher Education Coursework).

Assessment criteria/marking rubric

Before submitting your assignment, you should check it against the assessment criteria/marking rubric (provided separately) to ensure that you have satisfactorily addressed all the criteria that will be used to mark your assignment.

Academic language

All submissions should be thoroughly proof-read for spelling, typographical or grammatical errors before being submitted. CQU’s Academic Learning Centre can support you in this area, given the appropriate amount of time (i.e., do not send your submission to them an hour before the deadline).

Marking criteria

Marking and assessment criteria will be published on Moodle as a separate document. When writing up the report students are encouraged to check these criteria and align the topics discussed with them.

Academic Integrity

All submissions will be checked for breach of Academic Integrity such as plagiarism (material copied from other students and/or other sources) using Turnitin (TII). If you are found to have plagiarized material or if you have used someone else’s words without appropriate referencing, you will be penalized for plagiarism which could result in 0 (zero) marks for the whole assignment. In some circumstances a more severe penalty may be imposed. For more information, see the CQU Student Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure.

Submission requirements

Work is to be submitted in Word format file. No other formats or ZIP files are accepted.

Means of submission. All assignments must be submitted electronically on the unit Moodle website. The submission links can be accessed through the Assessment block on the Moodle unit website. Printed copies or email submissions are not accepted.

Auto-submission. Moodle implements an auto-submission process for those items uploaded and left as drafts before the original deadline. Further details on completing the submission process are available via the ‘Moodle Help for Students’ link in the SUPPORT block of your Moodle pages.

Please note, you should not completely rely on Moodle’s auto-submission functionality because it has not been proven to be reliable in the past. The onus is on each student to make sure their assignment is submitted before the deadline by manually clicking on the submission button.

Complete and correct submission. Assignments, once submitted, are FINA L and therefore cannot be modified. Students bear the onus to ensure that their submissions are correct (correct files in correct format) and complete before submitting to Moodle.

Purpose of the assessment

Assessments provide the opportunity for students to demonstrate their knowledge and skills needed to achieve the required Learning Outcomes (LOs). To do this, assessment responses need to be both clear and easy to understand. If not, the marker cannot assess a student’s knowledge and skills.

Assessments will, therefore, be marked according to the marking criteria/marking rubric. Failing to meet the requirements may result in 0 (zero) marks where relevant.

Learning Outcomes to be evidenced by this assessment

  • Review the lean transformation framework by explaining lean approaches, project lifecycle and change management
  • Compare and contrast project management methodologies

The Case Study

The case study for this assignment is the Putting Lean Principles in the Warehouse (2008). Read and analyse this case study thoroughly to grasp and classify the information it contains.

You are encouraged to do your own research, but the following article is a compulsory reading, and its website link is provided below:

Doug Bartholomew (2008). Putting Lean Principles in the Warehouse, Lean Enterprise Institute



Useful links on Lean Warehousing:




https://www.lean.org/the-lean-post/articles/think-you-know-your-warehouse-or-distribution- center-think-again/

Assessment Tasks

You have been hired as a Lean consultant to produce a brief report on the use of Lean transformation projects for supply chain and warehouse organisations, based on the given case study.

Your submission must discuss the following topics:

  • The case study describes a business process that is different from traditional Using the examples from the case study or other Lean transformation projects for warehousing, explain how the following concepts of a lean framework are manifested in a warehousing project:
    1. Voice of the Customer
    2. Critical Customer Requirements
    3. Critical to Quality
    4. Critical to Process
  • Select 4 of the 8 Wastes of Lean that apply to the case study and demonstrate how each waste relates to one or more PMBOK Knowledge Areas or PRINCE2 Themes:
  1. How was the waste reduced in the case study?
  2. What was the effect on the project overall?
  3. What tools or techniques from PMBOK or PRINCE2 were applied in achieving this?
  • Select 3 principles from the House of Lean as discussed during week 1 lecture. Demonstrate how the application of these principles helped achieve project
  • As a conclusion, write a short reflection on the people management aspect of the case study (transformation project) and also list 2 lessons you have learned from this case study that may help you manage people more effectively in your

Report Layout

The written report on the case study should be organised using the following headings and guidelines:

  • Title (Cover) Page with clear details of unit code and name, student number and name, lecturer & tutor names, submission date
  • Table of Contents (Optional)
  • Introduction (Optional)
    • Introduction should state the aims of the report.
  • Question 1 – Manifestation of Lean framework concepts in the case study
    • Using the examples from the case study or other Lean transformation projects for warehousing, explain how the following concepts of a lean framework are manifested in a warehousing project:
  1. Voice of the Customer (VOC)
  2. Critical Customer Requirements (CCR)
  3. Critical to Quality (CTQ)
  4. Critical to Process (CTP)
  • Question 2 – Elaboration of 4 Lean wastes that apply to the case study
    • Select 4 of the 8 Lean wastes that apply to the case study and elaborate about each waste:
  1. How was the waste reduced in the case study?
  2. What was the effect on the overall project?
  3. What tools or techniques from PMBOK or PRINCE2 were applied in achieving this?
  • Question 3 – Application of 3 Lean principles on the case study
    • Select 3 principles from the House of Lean and demonstrate how the application of these principles helped achieve the project (case study)
  • Question 4 – Lessons learnt about people management from the case study
    • As a conclusion, write a short reflection on the people management aspect of the case study (transformation project) and also list 2 lessons you have learned from this case study that may help you manage people more effectively in your
  • References (list the at least 5 references along with their in-text citations)

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