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Quantitative Method Assignment Part 1

Quantitative Method: Individual Assignment (Part 1)

For this assessment task, students need to work on a research problem (you identify for a company/brand/product). Students need to choose a research topic that can be solved by quantitative methods.

In this report, students need to:

  • Provide some background on the company/brand/product (2%)
  • Explain the research (3%)
  • State the research problem: the information needed to help management solve the problem / make the (5%)
  • State the research objective(s) 5%)

Weighting: 15%

Word count: Max. 400 words (excluding cover page, references, and appendices)

Submission date: 16th of June 2020, 23:59 o’clock

Submission type: Turnitin

Format / Layout of Assessment:

  • Title Page
  • Introduction
  • Body
  • Reference List
  • Appendices (if applicable)

v  Students should follow the APA referencing style to construct the Reference List and in-report citations.

Expert's Answer

Sales figures have seen a steep decline from 2019 to 2020 “iPhone sales in Feb 2020 were 494,000 compared to 1.3million iPhone sales in Feb 2019” (refer to Fortune). This study will provide an understanding of the reasons for the decline in sales, if the Pandemic of Covid19 has had a direct impact on the sales figure or is it a matter of consumer choice?

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