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NSB303 Partnerships in Health and Illness Assessment 2

Assessment 2. Collaborative Partnerships in Chronic Disease.

Choose one of the scenario based case studies below. Only work with the chosen case study.

Please Note: The chapters highlighted are from your prescribed textbook, Living with Chronic Illness and Disability. Principles for nursing practice. 3Ed. (2018). Eds. Chang and Johnson. The chapter may not be specific to the developmental age or needs of the person in the case study but will be a good starting point for you.

Paediatric: 10-year-old schoolboy, Joshua with chronic asthma (diagnosed at 4 years of age), who has become resistant to taking his preventor medications in the past 6 months. As a result, he has had regular asthmatic events and acute admissions to hospital. His mother is asking for assistance from the collaborative team to address his resistance. Ch.18. (Stumbles, Andrus Allen & von Garnier, 2018)

Young adult: 21-year-old female professional violinist, Abbey diagnosed with insulin dependent Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus 9 months ago. Due to her irregular working hours, she is struggling to stabilize her Blood Glucose Level and is also noted to be in the obese BMI range weighing 90 kgs with a height of 189cms. She has also been feeling very low and is concerned that she is developing some symptoms of depression. She would like to address both problems and is asking for assistance from the collaborative team. Ch.26 (Dunning 2018).

Adult: 45-year-old primary school teacher, Sylvia wheelchair bound due to paraplegia as the result of a motorcycle accident 5 years ago. She is self-caring and able to continue working as a teacher but is experiencing chronic back and shoulder musculo skeletal pain which she can’t manage with her current medication regime. As a result she must take regular days from work, which is impacting on her relationship with her students. She is asking for assistance from the collaborative team to address her chronic pain and her student relationship concerns. Ch.9 (Chisengantambu & McDonald 2018).

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