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Learning Stories Assignment


Please note, this assignment does not need to be conducted at placement. We have kept the video as it has some useful tips. :)

Word equivalent: 2400

For this assignment, you will write three Learning Stories, each focusing on a different child (from a different age group).

Write a learning story for 3 children, based on prior video observation (Workshop 2 on Learning Stories contains these 3 videos) of their engagement with a selected aspect (for example, routine, transition, spontaneous play, guided play, group experience, etc) - with a view to demonstrating your pedagogical understanding of the valued learning that is evident. Explore possible future planning (or 'what next') that might be offered as a result of your interpretation and analysis of learning. You will be provided with a template on the course Canvas shell.

Here you can find examples and background information to Learning Stories, New Zealand. Books 4-8 specifically relate to Learning Stories https:// learning/kei-tua-o-te-pae-2/

 (Links to an external site.)

A minimum of five scholarly references must be used to inform the Learning Stories. Please note, references are not counted in the word-count.

Assignment formatting template: Learning Stories Assignment Template .docx

 Assessment Criteria (for each learning story)

  • Narrative is written in a positive and appropriate manner and tone;
  • Demonstrates understanding of infant/toddler/young child’s learning;
  • Provides thoughtful and developmentally sound 'what next' goals that are linked to EYLF and five other scholarly sources; and
  • Scholarly conventions are employed throughout, including referencing APA, and accuracy of grammar,

Expert's Answer

All three of the observations above tend to identify how children learn through play. During the early years, the kids tend to develop cognitive skills, emotional well-being and social competence (UNICEF, 2018). In one of the observations above, the toddlers were observed. During the conception to age 2, the toddlers tend to form neural connections that are integrated by loving and protected environments. They demand a responsive and playful caregiving that can foster bonding and attachment while contributing towards positive socio-emotional development (Smith & Pellegrin, 2008). It can be seen from the toddlers’ observation above that the child under observation was feeling protected enough that he carried on with his play alone regardless of some crying babies around. However, the caregivers were busy enough in taking care and loving the toddlers who were crying during the session.

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