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MGT5PSC(CB-1) Assessment 3 Critical Review

Assessment 3 instructions Critical Review

Analysing supply chain data can be tedious and very time consuming. Even when a large amount of data is available, the effort to clean, categorize and understand the data is often high. Given the complexity of FastGood’s supply chain network and cruciality of the time factor (refer to the FastGood case study and associated dataset), Mrs. Banerjee would like to know how strategic supply chain decisions can be made more efficiently and effectively. In- house consultants approached Mrs. Banerjee and suggested she implement the Geographic Analytics (GA) solution which was initially developed and applied by Hewlett Packard (HP). GA is a data visualization technique which can be used to illustrate the network information on a map and drive supply chain optimization.

In the following interview, Jozo Acksteiner, manager of strategy and analytics, and Travis Parker, program manager of global supply chain, tell their story about the GA approach:

(HP Embraces a New Level of Global Analytics, Jozo Acksteiner, manager of strategy and analytics, and Travis Parker, program manager of global supply chain)

Mrs. Banerjee asked students to do some research about the GA method and report how well this supply chain management solution is argued, and if it is a viable solution for FastGood. Here’s your chance to understand the GA approach and provide your suggestions on how the method could be improved to address the FastGood’s supply chain challenges!

To do so, students are asked to carefully read the following article and write a critical essay to the authors which will also be submitted to Mrs. Banerjee:

Acksteiner, J. and Trautmann, C., 2013. Geographic analytics: how HP visualizes its supply chain. Supply Chain Management Review, 17(1).

Taking the FastGood case study and the associated dataset into consideration, your essay should detail your critique of the proposed GA method and justify your opinions, with reference to both the material covered in Module 1-6 of this subject and to the relevant academic literature (at least 3 academic sources e.g. peer-reviewed journal articles, book and book chapters). Make sure your response is engaging, well-informed, and analytic – increasing the chances of your response being published!

Important tips:

Make sure you carefully read the Supplementary material (How to write a critical review paper) and marking criteria before you start working on your assignment.

Submit your ^nal critical essay as a Word document, including your analyses and recommendations about the business.

Remember to use the Academy of Management referencing style. (Note that your reference list are not included in your total word count.)

Expert's Answer

This is a critical review of the Geographic Analytics (GA), a supply chain management software of Hewlett-Packard Co. (HP) and its application in solving the supply chain issues confronting FastGood. This critical review is based on the Supply Chain Management Review Magazine article "Geographic Analytics: how HP visualizes the supply chain," Acksteiner and Trautmann (2013) describing GA approach to render strategic supply chain choices quicker and more responsive by HP in 2010. This discusses the importance of GA and its relation to management decisions that include maximizing the network, improving network traffic and mitigating risk. They further underline the functionalities of GA such as adaptability and openness. Instead than focusing solely on data and complicated statistical formulae, the GA model was established by HP's Strategic Planning and Modeling Team. It tends to take a framework which may seem easy to understand and express relevant information on a chart.

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