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Final Project Report

Final Project Report (65%)

The final project report will be the culmination of all the research works. The length of the final report will vary; however, it should be in the range of 10,000 words and no longer than thirty pages (excluding appendices) at 1.5" line spacing, font Calibri 12 point. The structure of the report may vary from that laid out below. Significant variations should be discussed with and approved by your supervisor.

The content of the final reports should include the following elements:

  1. Title page — use the prescribed format that will be provided in guidelines. The title page will include the project title, organization name (if you collect information from an organization) including student information.
  2. Abstract /Executive Summary — shall be one to two pages in length and contain all the salient points from the body of the report including the The use of a figure or table in the Executive Summary is useful in summarizing key information from the report.

Acknowledgements (optional) — The purpose of the acknowledge page is to pay a thankful note to those people who helped you with your research /project. Include people in the proper order according to their importance and contribution to your project. Appreciation should be concise, and expression should not be so emotional.

Table of Contents

List ofAcronyms

  1. Section 1— Introduction (1-2 pages)

. An overview of the organization and the focus of the research project.

  • Background of the research and gaps.
  • Research problem and research questions and/or the issues addressed in the report.
  • Research contributions and justifications of the
  • Methodology overview.
  • Key definitions.
  • The structure/contents of this paper.
  1. Section 2 — Situational Analysis (8-12 pages) (This section will be completed i fyou do internship or collect data from a specific organization)
  • Analyze the current status of the issues facing the
  • Integrate the analytical (theoretical or conceptual) framework with the collected data. For example, implementing the analytical framework of Situation Analysis (e.g. Internal Analysis, Customer Analysis, and External Analysis) as a guideline Ibr the collection and analysis of data.
  1. Section 3 — Literature Review and Contextual Foundation(4-6 pages)

For this section, you will perform an appropriate review of the literature relevant to the research question and then present the findings in a concise but thorough manner The literature review should encompass not only academic journals and conference proceedings but trade/industry journals and the public press/media. This section will present current knowledge about the chosen problem/issue in a concise but informative way. Proper referencing is required, and a complete bibliography must be included as an appendix. This part will build upon the preliminary literature review that you performed for the proposal.

  • Compare and contrast the literature that supports and is critical of the research methodology.
  • Develop an analytical (theoretical or conceptual) framework (e.g., Situation Analysis, SWOT Analysis, Porter's Five Forces, Value Chain Model, et cetera) for the analysis of data.
  • Alternative research methodologies (e.g., exploratory or conclusive research design) are discussed and an appropriate research/analysis method is selected.
  • Literature that supports the analysis in the project report should be cited in the body of the report. This should include peer reviewed sources as well as industry sources where appropriate.
  • Section 4 — Data Analysis & Discussion (4-6 pages) Data analysis will be done using appropriate analysis tools as described in the Data Analysis section of the proposal. This section should be supported by a file containing the original data set and a file containing the analytical results output from the software package used in the analysis (examples: SPSS or Excel) Analytical results should be presented in a clear, concise and informative manner These results will then be discussed in some detail with regard to answering the research
  • Section 5 — Recommendations (4-6 pages)
  • Appropriate options/recommendations are selected based on thorough analysis of the options/recommendations and recommended to solve the research questions or issues stated in Section 1, and detailed implementation of the options/recommendations are more specifically and thoroughly discussed. Areas of further work/research shall also be identified.
  1. Section 6 — Limitations and further opportunities (1­2 pages)
  • Limitations of the analysis should be discussed.
  • Are areas for further research identified
  1. Section 7 — Internship /Project Reflections (2 pages)
  • Student's reflections on learning and how the Applied Project has contributed to the student's
  1. List of References — use numbered endnote referencing style for the report going to your internship mentor (see further information on referencing later in this section).

Appendices (as required)

Expert's Answer

This research report discussed crucial topics pertaining to project management and risk management, the associated principles, and whether there is some connection between them in academics or professional practice. Through awareness of the interaction between project management, risk management and interpretation of individuals would bring one to learn information regarding the usage of risk data in decision-making. This will help create project risk-conscious environment. Overall, in projects, unintended circumstances arise that may manifest in either good or disappointing consequences that are a nonconformity from the project proposal.

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