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Detailed Assignment Information

Assignment 2

Individual Assignment (25%) (Written Report & Video)

Key information

Dates/submission Sunday by 11.59pm (midnight Sunday) in Week 7 on relevant links on MKT1MDP LMS page, and
Types Individual assignment:

1. Report writing: market analysis; identifying, analysing, describing and segmenting markets. 1500 words (+/- 10 %).

2.  Oral presentation on video. 5 mins (+/- 10 %)

SILO’s Describe how the business environment impacts on the application of key marketing theories

Present an argument( orally or in writing) that is suitable for a marketing audience, addressing the digital business environment supported by research, and markmeting


Graduate Capabilities practiced Literacies and Communication Skills Inquiry and Analytical Skills Discipline specific Knowledge
Conditions A written report and a video featuring the student is required. The topic will be announced in class in Week 2. Detailed instructions are provided in the SLG and on the LMS site. The assignment will be discussed in class in the weeks leading up to the due date. Any assignment not on the selected topic will recive zero marks (0) out of

25 for this assignment.

Marks 25% of the total marks for this subject


The aim of Assessment 2 is through the use of real-life marketing example, is to produce an analysis of the macroenvironment and consumer behaviour for an industry.


You are to investigate the BREAKFAST CEREAL industry, (tba. in the week 2 seminars) for a company who is looking to invest in this industry. You are to use the compulsory report/s in this assignment (tba. in the week 2 seminars).

Based on the above information, you will use other sources such as websites, journal articles, newspaper articles and databases, to produce the following:

  1. An Individual Written Report of 1500 words (+/- 10 %). This will include the following information:
    1. Perform a macro-environmental analysis of the
    2. Identify and describe the consumer behaviour issues influencing this
  1. A video of 5 (+/- 10 %)

A video presentation of yourself, based on your written report.


Here is a suggested outline of the structure of the video and the written report. Note that they are different.

Written Report 1,500 words (+/- 10 %)   Video 5-6 mins.
Cover page:

·         Title of the assignment

·         Name & Student ID No.

·         Seminar time, day & name of the Lecturer,

·          Word count (not including executive summary, TOC or references and appendices).

·         The URL reference to your video on the cover page

  Introduction: State your name, Student ID,

class and Lecturer’s details. (approx. 30 secs.).

Executive Summary: Summarise all sections of the report in a succinct manner and include recommendations (1 paragraph max.).   Macroenvironmental Analysis Main report body with SUBHEADINGS.


Macroenvironment Analysis

·         Economic

·         Political and Legal

·         Sociocultural

·         Etc. (approx. 2 mins)

Table of Contents: put contents with page numbers   Critical thinking


(approx. 2 mins)

Introduction: Purpose or report, product chosen , marketing theories used, structure of the report etc.   Conclusions:

(approx. 1 min.)

Macroenvironmental analysis. Impact of key variables: identify and explain the impact of key variables in each of the environmental factors.

You can use a table for this information

  Referencing: Show your references (Harvard)

on screen. You don’t read these out.

(30 secs.)

Critical thinking:

In this industry, it is not necessary for marketers to consider consumer behaviour.”

Critically assess this comment using examples from real life and your research.


Conclude your report giving a very brief summary and based on your analysis,

References: include at least 5 academic references. Follow LTU Harvard referencing style.

Appendices: put [relevant] additional

tables/figures/graphs in the appendix. Don’t

forget to use both in-text citation and a reference list.


There should be no new information contained in your video that is not present in your written report. However, the two assessment items do not need to be identical. E.g. you might write in more detail in your report, than you present in your video, or vice-versa.



Written report- submitted using the Assignment 2, LMS submission link on MKT1MDP LMS page.

·         Your written report must be in WORD or PDF format, readable by Turnitin. If it cannot be read by Turnitin you will receive 0/25 for this assignment.

  • You must include all details required on the coversheet. If the URL for is not included, your entire assignment is considered late, and University penalties will
  • A minimum of 5 academic sources are required. Your textbook, and the compulsory report/s are each considered academic sources.
  • You may refer to documents in your appendices. (You can include data, tables etc. in the appendix, and then refer to then throughout your report. When the timing is tight, you can also present information and data in tables. This is a way of reducing your word count and making your report more interesting for the )
  • Each table/figure/chart/picture has a name, number and sources included.
  • LTU Harvard Referencing must be

Video- uploaded to following the instructions provided in class.

  • (PPT files are also acceptable, if you have enabled the animation )
    • It must be viewable on the university’s computer NO EXCEPTIONS.

·         If your video cannot be played on the university’s computer system by staff, your entire assignment will be considered late, and penalties will apply.

  • You may use ppt and add-in video of you reading/discussing the
  • Ensure that any writing that appears in your video is clearly
  • Every student must participate, appear and speak in their own video assignment. You must appear for a minimum of 4 minutes in your 5-minute video. The only exceptions are students registered with E&D who have special conditions in their Learning

See the library website for assistance with writing assignments including the Harvard Referencing Tool:

N.B. The assignment will be discussed in your 2-hour seminar in detail in each of the weeks leading up to the submission week.  It is your responsibility to attend.


  • We suggest you use your mobile phone to record your presentation. There is no need to use a video camera.
  • One-button studio is also available- book
  • Both components, written report (Word or PDF) and video must be viewable on the University’s computers. You must check your file format works in the classroom, (during breaks) the uni labs, or library.


  • Remember this is not a filmmaking class, but rather a marketing class. We are marking your presentation skills in marketing, not your camerawork, acting performance or directorial skills!
  • This video offers you an opportunity to present information in a different format showing your public speaking skills, and to use your creativity. You will be speaking in a variety of formats during your careers, and you need to develop your confidence and these skills.


The responsible for your written report file working on the university system is on you. If your file cannot be read, it will be considered late, and penalties will apply. Please check the LTU Assessment (Late Submission of Tasks) Policy.

  • Marks will be deducted for each day it is late, to a maximum of 5 working
  • If we receive no working file by 5 working days after the due date, you will receive no marks (0/25 )


If you wish to apply for Special Consideration for this assignment, you will need to complete the official online process.

Expert's Answer

The Woolsworth Group is planning for vertical integration and requires a detailed macro analysis and consumer behaviour to assess the cereal industry. The Industry for breakfast cereals consists of two groups, hot cereals which comprise of porridge, oats, mixes, etc. and ready-to-eat cereals which comprise of flakes and more. The ready to eat segment in the year 2018 had 87.4% market as compared to the 12.6% of hot cereals in Australia, the primary focus of companies is ready to eat cereals (MarketLine, 2019). Globally the breakfast cereal industry is growing at a constant number of 4.1% and forecasted to grow by 3% in the future (Barnes, 2020). However, this analysis will be based geographically for Australia.

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