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Introduction to Marketing Lesson 7 Assignment

Lesson 7


This is a research-based assignment that requires referencing. Like other products, social media goes through a life-cycle. Use the product life-cycle graph below and place on the graph where you think the following social media are in 2020: Google Plus, Facebook, Twitter, Snap Chat, Pinterest, Instagram, Reddit and MySpace. Provide a brief rationale for why you placed each of the media at each location. Use the letters on the graph as your reference points for identifying where the media is today.           

You can submit this assignment without a title page.

Assignment Due date: June 6th at 1:30 p.m.

Expert's Answer

Social Media Location on PLC

(Write Letter)

Rationale and Source
Google Plus P Google’s failure to disclose a potential data breach and application
vulnerability that would allow developers using the Google Plus API access to private information on
up to 500,000 Google Plus users.
Instead of fixing the vulnerability, something very expensive for a product that had low rates of
engagement (90 percent of user sessions lasted less than 5 seconds), Google decided to just shut
Google Plus down.

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