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BHO2422 Assessment 3 Group Event Proposal

Assessment Overview

Detail Length Weighting Due
Students working in groups of four to six will be required to complete one group assignment in the form of an Event Design Development Plan in a response to a Design Brief, which will be distributed in tutorial. All activities in week 2 & 3 are relevant to this assignment. Each team member is expected to spend at least 8 hours outside the class for this assignment.

The purpose of this assignment is to:

  1. Understand and apply relevant knowledge of event design to project
  2. Produce convincing event design proposal
  3. Develop and enhance team working skills
1600 words 30% End of Week 3: Session 9

Unit Learning Outcomes Assessed

The unit learning outcomes assessed are:

  • LO 3: Distinguish and examine methods to enhance, encourage and produce creativity in event design.
  • LO 4: Scrutinise, judge and employ a number of technical skills so as to enhance the production of events.
  • LO 5: Compose, justify and present a proposal for a unique event
  • LO 6: Collaborate effectively, using interpersonal skills to influence and demonstrate a commitment to team outcomes, while exhibiting responsibility and accountability for own learning and professional practice


The plan should include the following: (These can be used for your headings in the report).

    1. Context information, i.e. history/sense of place/understanding of the event function and purpose
    2. The rationale for this particular event, i.e. why should this event be created?
    3. The key creative elements to deliver the experiences the team has designed for this event, including co-creative element
    4. The timing, location and venue of the event
    5. The equipment and music
    6. Any other elements of the event

Development Plan for an Event.

  1. The plan you develop will be in direct response to the design brief given below and is the written part of the pitch which you will present orally in session 11.
  2. You are writing a report to a client to convince them that you are the right team to be given the job of creating and running the event. The plan should be viewed as a professional report

Click here to view Design Brief: Driverless Car 

Click here to view Design Brief: Family Event   

Assessment Structure and Requirements

  • Marks will be given for the originality, creativity and application to the plan. Screenshots of the group’s SketchUp (or other visual tool) model must be included as part of the development plan response to the brief.
  • You need to provide an academic framework for this assignment. You should do this by reading, understanding and referring to textbooks, refereed journal articles and other materials produced for university level study which relate to creativity and design for organised and managed events. Work that does not include or includes a very limited level of application of these sources will be downgraded.
  • It will be viewed favourably if a mix of citations (books, journal articles, reports, Internet sources, newspapers, etc.) is used in your assignments. Do not use Wikipedia as it is not a credible source of information for university level assessment (although it is a useful source of information for personal use).
  • You should immediately notify your lecturer of any team problem such as interpersonal conflict, imbalance of contribution, communication difficulties, or discontinuance of a member which contradicts or breaks this agreement.

Assessment Criteria and Submission 

Assessment Criteria:

Click > Assessment 3 Rubric.pdf to access the marking criteria for this assessment. 

Expert's Answer

The event’s focus is on launch of Autobot driverless car (self-driving car) produced by Autodrive Corporation, which is based on artificial intelligence, whereby the vehicle can automatically sense its environment in order to move without human input. The event is aimed at inviting the media, social media influencers and VIPs to introduce them with multiple features and sleek design of the vehicle.

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