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IBU5HRM Assessment 3 Case study Report

Case Study Report

Your task:

You are an International Human Resource Management (HRM) Consultant. You have been given a contract to go into the organisation and it will be your responsibility to respond to the following three questions:

  1. As an International Human Resource Management Consultant what are the issues? In this question you need to explain what the issues are in the case
  2. How should Human Resource Management deal with the issues in the case? You need to explain how HRM should ensure the issues are not repeated, taking into consideration the international
  3. What is your plan to present to the organisation? You need to make a solid recommendation to the company and present them with an implementation plan to eliminate the

Write short report style answers to these three questions, remembering to cite and correctly reference your sources.

Expert's Answer

In the given report, the case of “No Name Aircraft” will be assessed in light of Human Resource Management principles. The case will be a fair analytical presentation based on the literature analysis along with evaluation and estimation of the company’s performance.

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