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Task 1 Individual Bilingualism

Task 1 - Individual Bilingualism: Annotated bibliography  (Part A: Find 4 journal articles and 4 other academic references (books or book chapters) and prepare an annotated bibliography).

Bilingualism and multilingualism are sometimes considered to be the same and sometimes considered as overlapping or distinct. They are sometimes applied to societies and sometimes to individuals. In addition to the above terms, other labels may be used as synonyms or substitutes for bilingualism (such as plurilingualism and polylingualism). These terms may be more or less suitable for describing your own ‘bilingualism’.  

Assessment Task 1 focuses on individual bilingualism and has two parts. Part A is an annotated bibliography of 8 key references on the topic of bilingualism that you plan to use in Part B. Part B is a personal reflective essay which defines what bilingualism means for you.

Part        A:            Annotated          Bibliography       (approximately 1500       words)  Complete a literature search using ProQuest or one of the other databases listed on the Eduation Library Guide Find 8 (and only 8) relevant sources. Four must be journal articles. The remaining four sources may be selected from relevant reputable journal articles, authored books or edited books from reputable sources. All sources must be used in your reflective essay in Part B, so choose carefully. Format your eight references into a bibliography using APA6. Each of your eight entries in your bibliography should be followed by a 150-word annotation. This annotation should state which key terms the author/s use to define ’bilingual’ language behaviour or use; whether the author/s take an individual or societal perspective of bilingualism, and whether this definition would be suitable to describe your context. These references and annotations will be used to frame your definitional essay in Part B.

Expert's Answer

This paper determines the impact of bilingualism on a person’s innovative capabilities. This research paper discovers a probable contribution of the interpersonal cultural environment to the association between bilingualism and creativity.

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