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Assessment item 2 Project Proposal and Plan

Assessment item 2 - Project Proposal and Plan

Value: 10%

Due Date: 28-Mar-2020

Return Date: 21-Apr-2020

Length: 1000-2000 words (5-6 pages)

Submission method options: Alternative submission method


You are required to prepare for this Assessment Item by:

  1. READING theSubject outline,
  1. COMPLETING Topic 2 Project Planning
  2. BUILDING your PLAN up from the  Project Title and Abstract in Assessment Task 1



  1. Follow the Study Schedule and work with the Topics in uni site as they provide a "scaffold" for your learning in this subject.
  2. Develop a detailed Capstone Project Proposal and Plan using project management software (as listed in the Study Schedule) and the skills you have acquired from IT Project Management to develop a project plan with a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), milestones and Gantt chart. These tools may help.
    1. MicrosoftProject Pro (;
    2. Open source tools like GanttProject (;
    3. OpenProj(
    4. OpenProject (
    5. ProjectLibre (
  3. Begin using the 'project blog' as a tool beyond the weekly progress reportsfor your chosen emerging technology topic:
    1. The blog helps you to  store your notes, project files and links in a cloud-based service.
    2. Consider sharing the site with your peers as a way to tell a story and harness each others knowledge.
  4. The blog is ideally updated each week with 3 or 4 entries for documenting your project notes and as the foundation for editing and writing the Capstone Project Report. An ideal blog entry will have around 50-150 words (150-600 words a week).

This assessment task will assess the following learning outcome/s:

  • be able to interpret and evaluate an overview of recent trends in emerging technologies and innovation.
  • be able to perform literature searches and critically analyse the literature in the chosen topic.

The Project Plan allows for a broad range of project areas like systems administration, database systems, IT security, mobile technology etc. Often the project has a sponsor and is linked to your interest or workplace needs. The proposal has a research component (Assessment Item 3 Annotated Bibliography) so in some cases you may need to find a supervisor willing to accept you as a candidate.

The Learning Outcomes being assessed in this item include how you interpret and evaluate an overview of recent trends in emerging technologies and innovation and begin to plan, execute, record and present your research and project work as a capstone experience.

Your Project Proposal and Plan will be evaluated with a series of five critical thinking questions that you can use as a Checklist:

  • Has there been sufficient justification of the choice of the topic? Topic selection process
  • Is the scope appropriate and proposed activities reasonable? Setting boundaries with the available time
  • Is there a proposed methodology and research question(s) that demonstrate critical thinking? Methodology.
  • Are the deliverables clearly and sufficiently complex?
  • Is there a project plan with a schedule and timeline using project management tools and techniques? WBS, Gantt chart etc.

Project Plan Sample Format
(subject to change or modified to include systems development projects)

  1. Title: Emerging Technology and Innovation Topic
    1. Project Blog ( Web address provided)
    2. Weekly Progress Reports Plan (In class, Discussion Board or Project Blog entries)
  2. Rationale
    1. Problem domain
    2. Purpose and justification
  3. Supervisor Approval
  4. Research Questions
  5. Conceptual or Theoretical Framework
  6. Methodology
    1. Analysis of sources of information (EndNote, APA Referencing Style)
    2. Research method(s)
    3. Data collection or systems design methods
    4. Ethical Issues
    5. Compliance Requirements (Workplace, Industry or Government regulations)
  7. Project Plan
    1. Deliverables (Annotated Bibliography, Journal Paper, Report, Seminar)
    2. Work breakdown structure (WBS)
    3. Risk Analysis
    4. Duration
    5. Gantt chart
  8. References

Appendix (if required)

Expert's Answer

Blockchain technology is an emerging technology having a successful solution in providing a safe decentralized knowledge sharing environment. Initially, this emerging technology was conceived for the exchange of digital currencies.

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