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PUB272 Assessment Task 3 Advocacy plan and products

PUB272 Task 3 Instructions

Advocacy plan and products

Description of the task

Purpose: The purpose of this task relates to course learning outcome three (3): To Advocate for healthy public policy across a range of stakeholder audiences.

Goal: To demonstrate your knowledge and skills in developing an advocacy plan to advocate for a HiAP approach to a range of stakeholder audiences within the policy context.

Advocacy is an important skill and competency required for professional practice in all professions, including health promotion. Advocacy requires skills in communication to be able to interpret, translate and communicate important messages to various stakeholder audiences.    Advocacy can be informal and formal, utilising a range of techniques, technologies and media platforms to communicate messages. 


This is an individual assessment task.

The assessment task requires you to complete two components:

  • An advocacy plan, and
  • Two advocacy products.
  • Advocacy plan

There is a template for completion of your advocacy plan (see resources below). The advocacy plan is to be aligned to your Task 2 setting, where you identified the components of the policy processes to progress HiAP.  Task 3 will draw on this insight to identify and justify who to advocate to and what to advocate to them about. In addition, you will consider the framing of key messages to your stakeholder audiences and identify and justify the most appropriate mediums for this advocacy.

As per the template, the advocacy plan includes three examples of advocacy strategies, including:

  • Identification of three (3) stakeholders whom you will advocate a HiAP approach in your setting;
  • An outline of the key messages/concepts that you will advocate for, specific to each stakeholder audience;
  • Identification of the medium to deliver these messages;
  • Demonstrated framing of your messages in an example ‘media bite’;
  • Justification for the chosen audiences, message, framing and medium; and
  • Use of credible sources to justify your advocacy plan, using Vancouver (JAMMA) style referencing (minimum 5 references).
  • Advocacy products (x2)

The second part of the assessment task requires you to develop two advocacy products (eg. media release, blog, letter to a politician). The advocacy products should include:

  • Two advocacy products of different genre. The different genres have been covered in the course learning materials;
  • One of the advocacy products should be of a media advocacy genre;
  • The advocacy products should align to your advocacy plan. Include the key messages, media bites and knowledge of how to frame your messages to specific audiences in your advocacy products;
  • Use appropriate language for your audience for ease of reading;
  • Where relevant, integrate appropriate images and pictures;
  • Check, re-check and re-check again for spelling and grammatical errors!
  • Each product should be approximately 400 words per product.

We will be practicing and developing your advocacy planning skills through the independent and collaborative learning activities from week ten (10) through to thirteen (13).


Advocacy plan template

Vancouver (JAMA) referencing style guide


Be clear about the criteria you are being assessed on. 

Refer to the Task 3 marking rubric located on the course blackboard site for assessment task 3.

Expert's Answer

The advocacy product which will be developed to successfully deliver key messages to the intended audience of students is that of a blog. A blog is an effective advocacy device which falls under the category of online campaign management.

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