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Our main aim to complete a Multi-storey building is to ensure that the structure is safe against all possible loading conditions and to full fill the function for which they have built. Safety requirements must be met so that the structure is able to serve its purpose with the maintain cost.

Detailed planning of the structure usually comes from several studies made by town planners, investors, users, architects and other engineers. On that, a structural engineer has the main influence on the overall structural design and an architect is involved in aesthetic details.

For the design of the structure, the dead load, live loads, seismic and wind load are considered. The analysis and design for the structure done by using a software package STAAD PRO.

In this project multistoried construction, we have adopted limit state method of analysis and design the structure. The design is in confirmation with IS456-2000.the analysis of one frame is worked out manually and simultaneously it has been checked using STAAD PRO.

Therefore an attempt has been made to present the multistoried building for residential purpose in the busy city of Hyderabad.The complex consisting of five storeys The structure is design based on the theory of LIMITSTATE METHOD which provides adequate strength,serviceability and durability besides economy


Major advances in both design and new material assisted roman architecture. Design was enhanced architectural developments in the construction of arches and roof domes. Arches improved the efficiency and capability of bridges and aqueducts (fewer supports columns were needed to support the structure), while domed roofs not only permitted the building of larger open areas undercover, but also lent the exterior an impressive.

The social unit that lives in a house is known as a household. Most commonly, a household is family unit of a same kind, though households can be other social groups, such as single person, or groups of unrelated individuals. Settled agrarian and industrial societies are composed of household units living permanently in housing of various types, according to a variety of farms of lands tenure. English-speaking people generally call any building there routinely occupy “home”. Many people leave their houses during the day for work and recreation, and return to them to sleep or for other activities.

Architecture is the art and science of designing buildings and structures. A wider definition would include within its scope also the design of the total built environment, from the macro level of creating furniture. In the field of building architecture, the skill demanded of an architect range from the more complex, such as for a hospital or stadium, to the apparently simpler, such as planning residential houses. Many architectural works may be seen also as cultural and political symbols, and /or work of art. The role of architect though changing, has been central to the successful design and implementation of pleasing built environments in which people live.

Scope: Architectural is an interdisciplinary field, drawing upon mathematics, science, art technology, social sciences, politics, history and philosophy. Vitrifies states: “architecture is a science, arising out of many other sciences, and adorned with much and varied learning: by the help of which is judgment is formed of those works which are result of other arts”.

Most modern-day definition of “good buildings” recognize that because architecture does not exist in a vacuum, architectural form cannot be merely a completion of historical precedent, fictional necessities ; and socially aware concerns, but most also be a trance dents synthesis of all of the former and a creation of worth in and of itself. As Nunziarodanini stated, “through its aesthetic dimension architecture goes beyond the functional aspects that it has in common with other human sciences...through its own particular way of expressing values, architecture can stimulate and influence social life without presuming that, in and of itself, it will promote social development. To restrict the meaning of formalism to art for art’s sake is not only reactionary; it can be a purposeless quest for perfection or originality which degrades fro, into a mere instrumentally”

The term can be used to connect the implied architecture of abstract things such as music or mathematics the apparent architecture of natural things, such as geological formations or the structure of natural things such as geological formations or the structure of natural things such as geological formation or the structure of biological cells, or explicitly planned architectures of human made things such as software, computers, enterprises, and databases, in addition to buildings. In every usages an architecture may be seen as subjective mapping fro, a human perspective (that of the user in the case of abstract or physical artifacts) to the elements or components.

Architecture is both the process and product of planning designing and constructing space the reflects functional, social and aesthetic considerations. It requires the manipulation and coordination of material. Technology, light and shadow. Architecture also encompassed the pragmatic aspects of realizing designed spaces, such as project planning, cost estimating and construction administration.

Architectural works are often perceived as cultural and political symbols and as work of art. Historical civilization is often identified with their surviving architectural achievements. Brunelleschi, in the building of the dome of Florence cathedral, not only transformed the cathedral and the city of Florence, but also the role and status of the architecture.

With the consolidation of knowledge in scientific such as engineering and the rise of new building material and technology; the architect began to lose ground on the technical aspect of building. Therefore he concerned playing field that of aesthetics.

There was the rise of the “gentlemen architect” who usually dealt with wealthy clients and concentrated predominantly on visual qualities derived usually from historical prototypes. In the 19th century, Cole des Beaux Arts in France,the training was toward producing quick sketch schemes involving beautiful drawings without much emphasis on context. The rise of profession of industrial design is usually placed here. Following this lead, the Bauhaus school, founded in Germany in 1919, consciously rejected history and looked at architecture as synthesis of art craft and technology.

Architects such as Miens van Dee roe worked to reject the virtually all that had come before, trading handcrafted details and sentimental historic forms for a machine driven architectural geometry made possible by the Industrial Revolution. They felt that architecture was not a personal philosophical or aesthetic pursuit by individual rather it had to consider everyday needs of people and use technology to give a livable environment. That design Methodology Movement involving people such as chirrs Jones, Christopher Alexander started for more people-oriented designs.

Extensive studies on areas such as behavioral, environmental, and social science were done started informing the design process. as many other concerns began to be recognized, complexity of buildings began to increase in terms of aspect to be recognized, and complexity of buildings began to increase in terms of aspect such as services, architecture started becoming more multi-disciplinary than ever. While the notion that structural and aesthetic consideration should be entirely subject to functionality, which met with both popularity an skepticism, it had the effect of introducing the concept of “function” in the place of Vitruvius “utility”. “Function” came to be seen as encompassing all criteria of the use, perception and enjoyment of a building, not only practical but alsoaesthetic, psychological and cultural.

“Now-a-day’s Architecture required a team of professionals in its making”. An architect is being one among the many and sometimes the leader. This I the state of the professional today, however, individually o still cherished and sought the design of buildings seems as cultural symbols – the museum of fine arts centre has become a showcase for new experiments in style, tomorrow may be something’s else.

In the late 20th century, a new concept was added to those include in the compass of both structure and function, the consideration of sustainability. To satisfy the contemporary ethos a building should be a constructed in a materials, its impact upon the natural and built environment of its surroundings area and the demands that it makes upon non-sustainable power sources for the heating, cooling water and waste management and lighting. When modern architecture was first practiced, it was an avant-garde movement with moral, philosophical, and aesthetic underpinnings. Modernist architects sought to reduce buildings to a pure form, removing historical references in favors of purely fictional structures.

The column arches and gargoyles of classical architecture were dubbed unnecessary. Buildings that flaunted their construction exposing steel beams and concrete surfaces instead of hiding them behind traditional forms were beams and concrete surfaces instead of hiding them behind traditional forms were seen as beautiful in their own right. Architecture first evolved out of the dynamics between needs (shelter, security, worship etc.,) and means (available building material and attendant skills). As human culture evolved and knowledge began to be formalized through oral tradition and practices, architectures became a craft.

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