EDU4002 Leadership and Team Building - Assignment Task 2

Assessment Task 2 – Major Essay, 3,000 words, 60% - Sunday 10 April

Submission Details

Submission through LMS Moodie. Please make sure that you have put the writing through Turnitin before you submit it for assessment. Please submit one MS Word document. Tasks submitted in any other format will not be assessed.

Grading Criteria and Feedback

Assessment criteria

  • Identification of a theme or topic of interest within the broad area of leadership and teams — the essay does not attempt to canvass the entire field;
  • Exploration of the theme or topic that utilises literature within and beyond that provided; examples provided;
  • Synthesis and critique of the theory base;
  • Recommendations made: these are feasible and demonstrate insight and analysis;
  • The writing demonstrates command of expression, argument and structure;
  • In text citations are correct, a References list is provided and both are in the required academic style (APA 6).
  • The writing is presented appropriately for an academic assessment task, namely: the task that has been done is the one that is set; the work has been submitted as a single MS Word document; the writing has an appropriate title; student name and number are on every page; pages have been numbered; text is left justified; and font is clear and the equivalent of 12 pt Times New Roman

AtRedback as comments on LMS Moodie.

Description of Task

An essay on an aspect of leadership and/or teams in education that has arisen from the reading you have done in this subject. The essay
should be 3,000 words in length. Ideally, the essay will advance a clear line of argument and provide a critical view of relevant literature.


  1. Identify one major theme or topic of interest in the academic literature concerning educational leadership and teams. Provide a clear description of the theme or topic of interest.
  2. Use further readings that you have located yourself, to explore the theme or topic of interest. Provide a synthesis and critique of the theory base for this topic.
  3. Make explicit recommendations for future practice. These recommendations should follow from the critique you have made in your essay.

Expert's Answer

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