MNGT3011 Leading Organisational Change

 Assessment Type Report
Description The purpose of this assignment is to assess students' capacity to critically analyse, evaluate, and synthesise relevant change theory in relation to a chosen case study company and present findings in written form.

For this assessment, students will take the role of an expert consultant on change management. After analysing the case organisation, findings will be presented in the form of a CEO briefing report on the chosen case study company. The chosen case study company must be pre-approved by the Course Coordinator or Teaching Assistant.

 Weighting 30%
 Length 2000 words
 Due Date Sunday Week 5 by 11:59pm
 Submission Method Online / Turnitin

Assessment Criteria

Three assessment criteria will be used:
1.       Critical analysis, interpretation and evaluation of a change event, or events. 
2.       Reflection on the organisational change event (including in terms of (i) its leadership; (ii) its meeting the desired objectives of the change initiative; and (iii) in taking into consideration the human needs of the organisation's stakeholders)
3.       Written presentation and structure, including academic referencing
Further details on Canvas
 Return Method Online
Feedback Provided Online 

 NB:   Unless you have been approved to submit your work late under the adverse circumstances policy, late penalties will apply if your assignment is not received by the due date/time.


Each student will individually draft a briefing report to the CEO of their chosen organisation. You will take the role of an expert consultant to write the briefing report which will be a formally structured business communication. You will need to analyse the issues and propose theoretical and practical approaches to leading further change.

The purpose of the briefing report is to clearly and effectively communicate the core change issues that need attention in your chosen organisation to bring about effective change. The briefing report should be informed by change concepts, theories, and frameworks.

The finished report should inform the CEO of the issues that they need to focus on and explain why.

The reports should be submitted via Turnitin through the course blackboard site.


Your report will need to address the following:

  1. Accurately brief the CEO of the change issues you identify and justify your findings.
  2. Present the brief as a written business report.
  3. Use appropriate theory, concepts, and frameworks to support your analysis, where relevant and
  4. Submit by the due date and time via Turnitin.

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