BUSM4505 Strategic Human Resource Development - Assignment 2

Assessment Overview:

The second assessment requires individual students to produce a Voice Over PowerPoint Presentation that will identify an authentic organisation and a HRD issue within the organisation, Students will design a HRD intervention, implement the intervention and demonstrate how to evaluate the effectiveness of the intervention. The PowerPoint will be designed and delivered as a HRD program to be delivered to the executives of an organisation. This assessment will be focused on one topic area - see details on Canvas. Ideally students need to consider all the

important phases in designing a training program (needs assessment, design the program in consideration of adult learning and individual difference, best delivery mode of the intervention, and program evaluation).

Students will first complete and present a training needs analysis to support the training program in a Voice Over PowerPoint Presentation. Students will develop and implement a Training Needs Analysis, a HRD Intervention/Training Program, and present evaluation procedures. This exercise allows students to integrate the key knowledge they have learnt in lectures and workshops about training design and put theories into practice. Refer to instructions on Canvas.

This is an authentic piece of assessment and you have been asked by the HR Director to present a training session by way of a Voice Over PowerPoint Presentation that addresses important issues within an organisation of your choice or a Health Service organisation.

Remember, you have to produce a Training Needs Analysis before you can develop the training session. Therefore, in order for the Executive Team to obtain a realistic understanding about your HRD training you have to present in the Voice Over PowerPoint Presentation a Training Needs Analysis on one of two issues – 1. discrimination and bullying or 2. diversity and inclusion.

To approach this assessment, refer to Assessment 1 and the issue you produced a critical analysis of the literature on. This subject is constructively aligned so the issue you identified in the previous assessment (A1) must be used in this assessment.

Your task is to take logical steps with a Training Needs Analysis and then a Training Program (including evaluation):

  1. You have to conduct a Training Needs Analysis (TNA) which needs to be thoroughly planned and articulated and then develop a Training Program with an evaluation process based on the TNA and both will be delivered via a Voice Over PowerPoint presentation.
  2. You have been asked to deliver the HRD Program in a Voice Over Power Point Presentation for the HR Director to forward to the Executive Team. The HRD Program comprises a TNA and a Training Program. On the last slide provide references. Individual students must be evident in the presentation and their voice is the only one throughout the

There are several issues that most organisations face, but you have been asked to focus on

one of the following two topic areas (each covers two issues):

1.      Discrimination and Bullying

  1. Diversity and Inclusion

You need to be very clear about the organisational and/or team context that your training is designed for within an organisation. With your choice, you must justify why HRD training is critical for the organisation

Important: This is an individual assessment.

Assessment Guideline:

You have to produce a Voice Over PowerPoint Presentation that incorporates a Training Needs Analysis and a Training Program with an evaluation process, to overcome the issue/s identified in the TNA.

The HRD Program requires a Training Needs Analysis which will include the following: 1.The context of the Training Needs Analysis.

  1. What are the issues? What knowledge and skills need to be improved? How will you build on the behaviours and attitudes of employees?
  2. What materials/resources are available to staff to effectively perform their jobs? What materials/resources are needed to better support staff?
  3. Present a sound justification for the need of a Training Program that leads into the Training Program which includes an evaluation process.

The HRD training program with an evaluation process you design and deliver, via a Voice Over PowerPoint Presentation, will need to fill the gaps identified in the Training Needs Analysis and demonstrate your understanding of the following areas:

  1. A set of key learning
  2. Develop a plan of This must be a logical design for the organisation.
  3. Develop materials for training and appropriate methods of training. What training materials would you use? This will be best demonstrated by a role
  4. Throughout demonstrate knowledge of adult learning principles and individual differences in
  5. Demonstrate reasonable and desirable outcomes of the Training Program and incorporate considerations of training evaluations.

References and Referencing

In this assessment you will have a minimum of 15 refereed journal articles that must be from journals that are no older than 10 years – do not cite the internet or textbooks. This course addresses contemporary issues and challenges and therefore you need contemporary literature that is within the last ten years. When referencing use Harvard style. To learn more about Harvard style please refer to http://www1.rmit.edu.au/library/referencing.

Font and spacing

Use Times New Roman or Calibri in size 12. 1.5 line spacing.

Assessment policies:

Below are some policies that are relevant for you to consider in preparing your essay. Please note below is only a subset of the assessment policies. To have a comprehensive

understanding of RMIT policies please check Canvas (Assessment Tasks – Additional Information: Assessment Guides and Policies).

TurnitIn submission:

Submissions must be made through Canvas Turnitin submission point electronically. All submissions are made through Turnitin to check academic integrity (the allowed score in Turnitin is no more than 20% similarities). It is highly recommended that you submit your work a few days earlier to Turnitin to check for similarities, before submitting your final work.

Late submission and word limits:

Any late assignment, unless granted an extension by the Course Coordinator or the Special Consideration Unit, will be penalised. Late submissions will be penalised 10% per day.

Assignments submitted more than seven (7) calendar days late will NOT be marked. Please check Canvas and RMIT website about how to apply for special consideration.

When submitting assessment tasks online it is a student's responsibility to submit their final document. The document that is lodged is what will be assessed on its merits. Re- submissions of assessment tasks beyond the specified date will NOT be accepted. Cases such as submitting a draft by error instead of the final version, or “I lost my laptop”, or “a computer malfunction caused me to lose all my work”, are not acceptable reasons to be granted an extension or resubmission.

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