DST2CTD Making Development Matter


Complete a 1600 word (+/- 10%) research essay drawing on subject materials and supplementary research which addresses one of the essay questions.


Minimum of 5 unique sources DUE DATE (Extended) June 2, 11:59pm


Complete a 3000 word (+/- 10%) research essay drawing on subject materials and supplementary research which addresses one of the essay questions.


Minimum of 10 unique sources DUE DATE (Extended) May 17, 11:59pm (plan)*

June 9, 11:59pm


understanding the key questions

  • To what extent is it still important to consider colonialism in the context of contemporary development projects and approaches? Why?

Question components

To what extent: a degree rather than absolute

Still: assumes that there is some importance historically Colonialism: the essay must specifically address colonialism Contemporary: must address current impacts Development: focused on development practices

Why: justify your argument with evidence

What are the implications of today’s geography of development for the contemporary practice of development?

Question components

Implications: reverberating impacts

Today’s geography: contemporary divisions (and representations)

Contemporary: focused on present

Practice of development: the practical work of development

To what extent should gender be included in a consideration of development?

Question components

To what extent: a degree rather than absolute

Gender: think beyond sex

Consideration of development: does not imply exclusive focus

Given the centrality of participatory discourse in contemporary development what are the strengths and weaknesses of dominant approaches to participation?

Question components

Participatory discourse: narratives of participation

Strengths and weaknesses: address both

Dominant approaches: grass-roots, participatory, partnership, etc*

*Can focus on one of these so long as you clearly identify WHY

Given the debate about the definitions of ‘sustainable development’, is it still worth using this term? Why or why not?

Question components

Given the debate: outline key contestations

Definitions of sustainable development: provide key definitions

Still worth using: current value

Why or why not: justify your position with evidence



  • Your essay must include a clear
  • Introduction includes:
    • CONTEXT or hook
    • OUTLINE OF STRUCTURE, in order
    • Mention of key CASE STUDY or examples


  • Tell your reader directly what you are arguing in the
    • While this does not explicitly need to include the statement “I argue that,” such a statement can be helpful
  • Your argument MUST address all parts of the question
  • Statement of argument (and essay) may use first person


  • Can use sub-headings so long as they are appropriate and helpful
  • Each paragraph should contain a single sub-argument
  • Each paragraph must connect to the paragraphs before and after
    • Use transition phrases or sentences to maintain flow
  • Order of paragraphs should be logical


  • Your arguments must be supported by relevant evidence
    • Evidence can take the form of references to appropriate, robust literature or case studies
    • Lecture slides, dictionaries, and encyclopedias (including Wiki) will not count toward minimum references
  • As a general rule, every paragraph should have at least one reference


  • Briefly summarise the argument and the evidence used to support it
  • Offer insights into future directions or gaps
  • Do not introduce new arguments


  • References must be presented in either Harvard of APA6 or APA7 style (See library guide)
  • No footnotes!!

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