Two Clinical Skills/Procedures/Practices - Nursing Assignment Help

The word count provided is a guide only. The total word 
count expectation is 2000 words plus 10%. This includes subheadings and in-text referencing but not the reference list. 
Note: Marking will not continue beyond 2200 words

. The total word 
count expectation is 2000 words plus 10%. This includes subheadings and in-text referencing but not the reference list. Note: Marking will not continue beyond 2200 words

Topics have chosen are

  • Invasive procedures (Indwelling catheter insertion)
  • Safe administration practices in acute care setting (intravenous infusions)

You need to critically examine two clinical skills/procedures/practices they have been exposed to in the 
Simulated Learning Environment (SLE). For the clinical skill/procedure/practice will need to:

  1. State the two clinical skills/procedure/practice you have chosen (approx. 200-250 words). 

2 skills identified from the list provided related to the SLE material AND specific aspects to be discussed clearly outlined AND full APA referencing

  1. Identify and explore the most common adverse event(s) related to NURSES associated with this clinical practice 
        (approx. 350-450 words)
     3. Discuss the most contemporary research that has influenced a change in NURSING practice associated with this skill
           (approx. 700-750 words). 
     4. Locate the most current clinical guideline (and provide web link) and discuss how it addresses (or not) the research you explored in point 3 (approx. 450-500 words).

-These are links for NSW polices and guidelines,

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