HPS204 Human Social Behaviour

These assessment guidelines will help you complete AT2 and are split into three key sections.

  1. General Information. Overviews the general admin for this assessment (e.g., due date, word count, submission details, ). It also provides the learning objectives of this assessment.
  2. Topic Overviews the specific topic of this assessment, including an overview of your required materials.
  3. Completing Your Outlines what each section of the assessment requires

1: General Information


Assessment Task 2 (AT2) is an individually written personal reflection based on the group processes that occur in a team activity. AT2 is due by 8pm (AEST) Wednesday 18 May 2022 (Week 10) and is worth 20% of your total unit grade.

Key details
Word Count 1,000 words (with a +10% leeway). The word-count includes all your written responses to the questions in Part 2 of the AT2 worksheet (Part 1 is not included

in the word-count but you must fill it out).

Referencing You do not need to use APA formatting/referencing for this assessment.
  The worksheet that you will use to write your personal reflection must be submitted by the due date in electronic format (word docx. or pdf) via the AT2 assignment dropbox on the HPS204-774 CloudDeakin page. Ensure you check the work you have submitted is in English and is the correct and final version. Faculty of Health policy stipulates that we can only mark what has been uploaded to the assignment dropbox. If you submit multiple versions, we will always only mark

your most recent submission.

Extension If you require an extension, go to the 'Tools' tab in the navigation bar on the CloudDeakin page and then select 'Extension Application'. Only extensions applied via this method will be considered.
Late Penalty As per Faculty of Health policy, submitting late will result in a late penalty, where 5% will be deducted from available marks for each day up to five calendar days. Where work is submitted more than five calendar days after the due date, the

task will not be marked, and the student will receive 0% for the task.

Academic Integrity

When completing any assessment, you must abide by your academic integrity responsibilities. Plagiarism, collusion, and contract cheating are not tolerated at Deakin University and can result in severe penalties. Therefore, you must submit only work that you have written yourself.

If in doubt, you can use Turnitin before you submit your written assessment via the following website: Check your submission. The report will show you any areas that may need revising and more thorough paraphrasing. When checking the Turnitin report, look closely at what the report is identifying as similar or the same as other sources (rather than looking at just the final percentage score). We will give all students the same worksheet and set questions for this assessment, and so these sections will be identified as identical to other sources. We expect this and would not penalise you for this when reviewing your work.

Note. Do not copy or use the guidelines provided here as a source of evidence in your assessment. Instead read the materials provided and then write up your assessment in your own words.

Learning Objectives of the Assessment

AT2 targets the following Unit Learning Objectives:

Unit Learning Outcomes
ULO1 Identify, describe, compare, and apply the major types of social psychological theories and concepts.  
ULO2 Recognise and characterise the evolutionary and cultural

perspectives that inform social psychology theory and research.

ULO3 Evaluate and integrate the major social psychology theories, studies, and

research methods.

ULO4 Apply social psychology knowledge to generate hypotheses and solutions to everyday situations or problems.  
ULO5 Demonstrate effective communication in written form, including writing for coherence and reflecting on group processes in a team setting.  

Although this table gives you a brief idea of what skills and content AT2 is trying to teach you, you are probably still wondering what this assessment is all about. Let us elaborate further.


For this assessment you will complete a team-based decision-making activity. You will then individually fill out a worksheet (which we will provide you) which requires you to personally reflect upon what occurred in your group during this activity, using social psychological research and concepts to do so. This individually completed worksheet is what you will then submit for the assessment and what you will be marked on. This means that this assessment is a little different to others in that it takes an experiential, immersive approach to learning unit content. We do this because engaging in and reflecting upon teamwork is a more meaningful and effective way to learn about groups, rather than just reading about them.

We will guide you on how to complete the team activity and worksheet with written resources (like this one) as well as in the seminars (especially the Week 7 and 9 seminars). So, let us get started.

2: Topic Information

Your Required Materials

In this assessment you must use the following resources below. You do not need to source any additional resources or readings for this assessment beyond these.

Classes, Book Chapters and Additional Reading

For this assessment you are required to use two classes and the readings we have provided you. The classes are:

  • Class 7: Social Influence
  • Class 8: Group Processes The set readings are:
  • Chapter 5: Conformity and social change (pp. 145-172) (Vaughn & Hogg, 2017)
  • Chapter 6: People in groups (pp. 175-214) (Vaughn & Hogg, 2017)
  • Matelski, H., & Hogg, M. A. (2015). Group Processes, Social Psychology of. In J. D. Wright (Ed.), International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences (Second Edition) (pp. 422-427). Oxford: Elsevier.

You can obtain and print a copy of the set readings via the HPS204/774 reading list (in Content > Reading List). The classes can be found in the Weekly interactive webpages (in Content > Weekly Resources > Week 7 and Week 8).


For this assessment you are also required to use and complete the worksheet we will provide you. This worksheet is in word docx format and can be found on CloudDeakin in Content > Assessments > AT2: Group Processes in Action

The worksheet comes in two parts, and you are required to complete both parts.

  • Part 1: Outcome of your group work. This includes completing a team activity, completing a table where you insert the scores from the team activity, and then answering questions about what scores your team members
  • Part 2: Reflection. This includes questions where you use social psychological content to reflect on what occurred in your group while completing the team This should be completed individually, in your own time, after the team activity is finished. Both parts of the worksheet must be filled out, but only Part 2 (completed individually) is assessed.

Handy hint #1: If you are enrolled in HPS204, you are only required to answer questions 1-5 on Part 2 of the worksheet. Delete the remaining question before you submit the worksheet.

If you are enrolled in HPS774, you are required answer questions 1-6 (all questions on the worksheet), within the same word 1,000 word limit. This additional challenge is designed to require higher order skills of concisely conveying your answers within the word limit and answering an application focused question.

Handy hint #2: We highly recommend that once you complete the team activity, you immediately fill out the section in the worksheet called: *Notes on what happened in your

group*. This will help when you start completing the Part 2 questions in the worksheet, as you will need to provide specific examples from your time completing the activity for each question.

It is important to note that you are not being assessed on the team activity or group work itself. We are not interested how good or bad the decisions the group made were in Part 1. What you are being assessed on is your reflection of what happened in the group while completing the activity and using social psychology content to help you do this (i.e., Part 2). Therefore, you do need to engage in the team activity to complete the worksheet (otherwise what will you reflect on?), but how your group goes with the activity or how much each group member contributes has absolutely no bearing on your mark for this assessment.

3: Completing Your Assessment

Steps for completing this assessment

Your tutor will also go through how to fill out the AT2 worksheet in the week 7 seminar. The team- based decision-making activity you will need to take part in will then occur during the week 9 seminars. Therefore, it is in your best interest to attend the week 9 seminar at the very least.

Handy hint #3: If you are unable attend the week 9 seminar, you can complete the team activity in your own time, either with other students in the unit that you can get in touch with via the HPS204-774 discussion boards, or with family or friends. The group should be between 3-5 people. Use these assessment guidelines, the worksheet, and the week 9 seminar recording to guide you as you do the team activity in your own time. You do not need to email the unit team to inform them that you are doing this.

So how do you complete this assessment?

  1. Read through the assignment guidelines (this document).
  2. Download the worksheet, save it as a new file, and give it a new name (do not use ours!). Do not change the formatting of the worksheet or the order of the
  3. Attend (or listen to) the week 7 seminar to get an idea of what the activity will be all about, and to prepare yourself for what you’re looking for in the team activity you will be completing in the following
  4. Turn up and participate in the week 9 seminar (If you are unable to, look at handy hint #3 to determine what to do instead). Do not worry about sorting out a group beforehand, your tutor will do that for you in the
  5. Complete Part 1 of the worksheet (team activity) with your team in the week 9 seminar.
  6. Complete Part 2 of the worksheet in your own time on your own, inserting your written responses in the appropriate places. You can use dot points (in fact, we encourage it). Just ensure we can understand your main points and how they relate to the question. You will need to revise the required materials (outlined above) to help you complete Part 2 to the best of your
  7. Finalise your worksheet, deleting the instructions for the team activity. Make sure you insert your name, student ID, and the word count into the title page. Then upload it to the AT2 assignment dropbox as either a word docx or pdf.
  8. Celebrate!

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