Background and context

Psychological distress is a state of emotional suffering that is generally characterized by symptoms of depression and anxiety. It has been recognized increasingly that health issues related to mental, behavioral, and neurological disorders are growing throughout the world. Such disorders are responsible for 10.4% of all disability-adjusted life years lost or lived with a disability. Importantly, mostly the burden of the disease is seen among women aged 45 above, where the health departments are not fully able to address the issue (1). The population of the world (mainly aged women) is aging rapidly. Around 73 million aged adult are suffering from the psychological distress, low morale and more mental health issues in comparison to men.  Depression and anxiety is commonly seen as psychological distress (1). 

It is very unfortunate that mental health issues of the women are not consider by the health authorities much. Considering the medical perspective of the mental health issue of women, the socio-cultural factors and their impacts are ignored (2).  It is recognized that different types of stressors that affect women differentially (due to unequal socio-cultural status) have developed pervasive psychological problems. In this health promotion plan, our basic aim to generate awareness and provide proper guidance to women for managing their mental health effectively (2).

Health and wellbeing priority analysis

Figure 1: Severity Criteria Selected for Priority Analysis

For the priority setting analysis, we have selected the severity criterion for priority analysis (3). Greater the severity, the higher the need to start medical intervention for the issue.

We will consider the present situation of the psychological distress among women, and what other issues are raised due to this medical history.

The causes of the disease were also considered to explain the medical treatment for the same. The history of the selected patients will be collected from the health department. Further, potential preventions will be mentioned to cure the patients (1).


Partnering with legal health authorities in Australia is important. The alliances will be made to enable action on the health determinants, as it is important for addressing health inequalities. The alignment with Health Service department, a government organization, is essential as it is looking after services and facilities of health service areas (4). Partnering with strong authorities will assist in the proper implementation and execution of the project health plan.

For the successful development and execution of the health promotion plan, partnerships are required with different organizations at the health sector, government, non-government, business as well as the community level to bring out a successful health promotion change(5).

Partnerships With NGOs

For the selected cause, it is essential to make a partnership with the NGOs working for the rights of the women and their primary scope is based on achieving health (5).

Partnerships With The Educational Sector

Globally, knowledge management is becoming very important and considered as a hub for health, that's why partnering with the educational institutes for promoting the well-being of women suffering from depression (4).

Partnerships With The Business Sector

 It is essential to make corporate sectors in the list of partners because women are also working and their therapy management should be done at all levels (5)

Goal, objectives, and sub-objectives


The main goal of this health promotion plan is to manage psychological distress among aged women by motivating and augmenting protective healthy behavior factors that may assist women in preventing the mental distress and reducing the risk factors leading to the development of a psychological distress.

Objectives and sub-objectives

Objective 1: To offer detailed, responsive, comprehensive and integrated mental health and social care services within the community for managing distress among aged women in Australia
Sub-objective n.1: To develop better experience of patient dealing with  stress management
Sub-objective n.2: To make a patient able to use affective stress management coping skills
Sub-objective 3: To make sure family support for women in dealing with psychological distress.
Objective 2: To define strategies for reducing symptoms, anxiety and improving management skills
Sub-objective n.1: To Learn new ways of dealing with stressors
Sub-objective n.2: To feel more positive about therapy sessions abilities.
Sub-objective 3: To Develop negative thought distraction strategies
Objective 3: To become able to deal with daily routine life stressors
Sub-objective n.1: To find out personal resiliency and risk traits and explain their role in dealing with daily routine stressors
Sub-objective n.2: To Learn & use meditation along with daily relaxation techniques

 Justification for goal, objectives and sub-objectives


Psychological distress occurs when a person is facing any kind of stressor in life and not able to deal with it. The stressors for the cause are defined as: any traumatic incident, health issues, negative life happenings, and daily routine stressors (job, family and relationship stress) (2). Therefore, finding out a main cause of the psychological distress among women is very important. It will further assist in developing healthy lifestyle to prevent their psychological distress and augment better lifestyle routine among them.


As mentioned in different researchers, Psychological distress in return affects the body by the release of stress hormones in the blood which increased blood pressure and heart rate; causes inflammatory reactions within the body results in increasing plaque in the arteries; and making blood stickier which increases the chances of blood clots development (1). Therefore, proper management therapies and preventive measures are necessary to improve quality of life of aged women.


Aligning in track of the objectives, the daily stressors, less social routine and low support from the family are the major stressors in life (3). Their management will reduce the outcomes of psychological distress among the selected group of patients. The concept of health is wealth is very important to be applied in all gender domains.

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