PSPMGT006 Develop a Business Case - Assignment Task 2

Assessment Task 2 - Unit Project (UP)

Instructions to complete this assessment task:

  • Please write responses where applicable using a word processor.
  • You must include the following particulars in the footer section of each page of the attached sheets:
    • Student ID or Student Name
    • Unit ID or Unit Code
    • Course ID or Course Code
    • Trainer and assessor name
    • Page numbers
  • You must staple the loose sheets together along with the cover page.
  • You must attach the loose sheets chronologically as per the page numbers.
  • Correction fluid and tape are not permitted. Please do any corrections by striking through the incorrect words with one or two lines and rewriting the correct words.
  • This submission must be well presented and follow the guidelines and instructions provided.
  • Please follow the format as indicated in the template section below.
  • One of the most important steps that you can take: proofread your answers and code.
  • All RTO policies are in effect, including the plagiarism policy.


Career Training is acknowledged as an industry training leader delivering nationally recognised and specialised courses. Career Training is a private registered training organisation (RTO) based in Geraldton, Western Australia with satellite offices in Broome, Derby and Perth.

Registered training organisations (RTOs) are those training providers registered by ASQA (or, in some cases, a state regulator) to deliver vocational education and training (VET) services.

RTOs are recognised as providers of quality-assured and nationally recognised training and qualifications.

Only RTOs can:

  • deliver nationally recognised courses and accredited Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) VET qualifications,
  • apply for Australian, state and territory funding to deliver vocational education and training.

RTOs can offer qualifications at the following levels:

  • Certificates I, II, III and IV
  • Diploma
  • Advanced Diploma
  • Vocational Graduate Certificate
  • Vocational Graduate Diploma.

Career training is a start-up organisation and has only five staff. Career training has not developed a proper business plan and is building a reputation in the market.

The mission of Career training is to provide quality education to the international student so they will be successful in their chosen field and vision is to provide a quality and innovative education and expand Australia wide. The target market for Career training is Domestic students.

Career training has several competitors in the market, which includes TAFE colleges, RTOs, and universities. The objective of Career training is:

  • Provide quality services including training, equipment’s, facilities to all the learners
  • Connect with the industry for up-to-date training and employment opportunities
  • Attract and retain skilled people
  • Implement innovative, flexible training models
  • Implement new technologies to improve the quality of training

Career training is facing a few problems, which are:

  • It is finding it hard to comply with compliance requirements
  • Unable to find the right staff
  • Cannot manage the staff effectively
  • Unable to cope with the new market technologies

Stakeholders that RTO have and their requirements:

  • Students
    • English language requirement
    • Health insurance
    • Visa requirement
    • Academic requirement
  • Trainers
    • Have required credits
    • Have vocational competencies
    • Have current industry skills
    • Have current knowledge and skills

Business opportunities factors that Career training can have:

  • Government policies and procedures
  • Market capabilities
  • Funds availability
  • Timing

Based on these factors, Career training can get many opportunities like:

  • Brand strength in the market
  • More enrolments of students
  • Quality staffs

Constraints associated with Career Training are:

  • Quality of study material
  • Not quality staff
  • Less knowledge of the market
  • Compliance with laws and regulations

The market analysis shows the following information that Career Training needs to be aware of:

  • Shows the market size for the RTOs
  • Many RTOs are in a market that Career Training has to compete
  • Career Training has to specify which sector they are focusing
  • The expectation of the market from the RTOs
  • Career Training needs to overcome barriers which are:
    • Brand
    • Location
    • Technology
    • Access to resources

Career training may face different risks which can be listed as:

The business risk that will cover:

  • Damage by a natural disaster
  • Unexpected financial loss
  • The decrease in market share

The technical risk will cover:

  • System failure due to which data may loss
  • Failure to achieve a return of investment
  • Budget risk

To overcome the risks, Career Training has already obtained solutions that can avoid or prevent Career training from risks. The solutions are:

  • Backup database
  • Have backup for electricity supply
  • Get insurance

Assume that you have joined as Business Manager in the Career Training. You need to review current information and develop a business case. 

Activity 1: Research and Examine business solutions

You need to read and understand the given scenario prior to start the activity.

In this activity, you are required to research the competitor of Career Training through internet, analyse risks associated with the business and develop solutions. Based on this, you need to prepare report.

The report must cover the following areas:

  • Identification of the problems associated with the business
  • Business constraints and opportunities
  • The market analysis which will cover:
    • Market size
    • Target audience requirements
    • Market need
    • Competitors
  • Analyse business impact and risk
  • Analyse technical impact and risk associated with business
  • Impact of community, environment and human resources on business
  • Prepare solutions for the risks and impacts

For completing the report, you need to research about Career training and the development of a business case. You need to complete the given report template and submit to the trainer for assessment.

Activity 2: Meeting with Senior management

Note: This activity is in continuation of the previous activities.

You need to conduct a meeting with CEO regarding the report that you have prepared in the activity 1.

You need to cover the following points in the meeting:

  • Business risks including technical
  • Solutions for the identified issues
  • Discuss the financial implication of the solutions

You will play a role of business manager discuss the given information. Your trainer will act as a CEO.

CEO will discuss about the financial implications and what investment required to implement the business solutions.

You need to complete this meeting in 8-10 minutes and complete the following meeting minutes template.

Your trainer will also observe your performance and complete the following performance checklist.

Activity 3: Develop a business case

This activity is continuing from the previous activity.

In this activity, you need to develop a report which should address all the options for the problems and provide a recommendation.

The report must consist of:

  • Executive summary
  • Companies vision and mission statement
  • Objective
  • Business risks and impacts
  • Stakeholders
  • Recommendations/Solutions
    • Resources required
    • Timeframe
    • Cost

To complete this activity, you need to review the Carrer training website and other competitors website and information. You need to complete the given format and submit it to your trainer for assessment.

Activity 4: Presentation and approval of the business case

In this activity, you need to conduct a meeting with your trainer regarding the approval of a business case.

You need to organise a meeting with your trainer to present a business case, discuss and justify recommendations and obtain approval.

You need to complete the meeting in 7-10 minutes and complete the following meeting minutes template.

Your trainer will also observe your performance and complete the following performance checklist.

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