BSBXCM501 Lead Communication in The Workplace - Assignment Task 1

Purpose of this Assessment task
The purpose of this assessment is to test your knowledge in leading communication in the workplace as required by the unit BSBXCM501 Lead communication in the workplace. Your trainer/assessor will be assessing your work and provide you with constructive feedback on Canvas. This task will assess your knowledge to:

·         Establish communication protocols

·         Coordinate effective communication

·         Present and negotiate persuasively

·         Review communication practices

By successfully completing this assessment you will demonstrate that you have comprehensive knowledge and understanding required to lead communication in the workplace.

Structure of this assessment
There are twelve (12) questions in this assessment. They are different in their designs and requirements. Some can be answered in dot points, some need short answers, while others may require more detail. Your responses or answers to the questions must be precise and clear. This means you must understand the questions correctly before you attempt to answer them. You must answer all questions by yourself unassisted by another person. However, you may refer to the reference material if you need to. Your trainer/assessor will set a date and time to submit your response to this assessment and you must submit by that date and time.

Resource to undertake this assessment

Before undertaking this assessment, you should have studied relevant learning resources and by your trainer/assessor. You should have a good understanding of the applicable legislations such as those relating to privacy and confidentiality, antidiscrimination etc. You will also require a pen and paper and access to a computer with the internet to do this assessment.

What specific WHS requirements may be involved?

This assessment will require you to be aware of the standard Workplace Health and Safety requirements e.g. Workplace Health and Safety Act and Workplace Health and Safety Legislation Your trainer/assessor will advise you on these and other legislative requirements.

Reasonable adjustment

If you have any literacy and numeracy issue/s in undertaking this assessment talk to your trainer/assessor, they should be able to help. Also, please talk to your trainer/assessor if you have any difficulty in understanding this assessment or if you have any special needs.

How to do this assessment?

1. Read the given questions a couple of times to fully understand what is expected from you

2. Answer all parts of the question completely and correctly

3. Write your answers eligibly in blue or black pen or type your answers

4. Use the provided template to answer

5. Once you complete your answers carefully read them and check for their completeness and accuracy

6. Keep a copy of your completed work to make-up for any unforeseen loss or damage

7. If you use additional paper to answer put your name and student ID on it

8. Note that this assessment requires you to undertake some web research. Your trainer/assessor will provide you a list of relevant websites and digital materials you must read through.

Getting Started

The assessment may be re-attempted on two (2) further occasions (maximum three (3) attempts in total). All assessments must be resubmitted within three (3) days of receiving your unsatisfactory grade. You must clearly have “Re-submission” on your resubmitted work.

All questions must be answered satisfactorily for the assessment to be completed satisfactorily.

For any assessment conducted that is incomplete, or without satisfactory performance, the assessment will need to be completed again after further training support. This may be simply to focus on question areas not achieved in the prior assessment.

Submitting your assessment

When you are ready to submit your assessments, upload the files in Canvas via the submission tab. 

Word count

In this assessment some of the questions include a word count. This is a guideline only, but your answers should not vary substantially (i.e. stay within +/- 10%) from the word count provided. Microsoft Word includes a word count tool.

Objective To test the required knowledge of leading communication in the workplace

Task 1: Knowledge Questions

Question 1 Describe at least three (3) legislative requirements relevant to workplace communication. (50 words for each legislative requirement)

Legislative requirements Description
Question 2 Briefly describe the following organisational requirements relevant to workplace communication including their digital form: (50 words for each organisational requirement)

·         workplace policies

·         codes of conduct

·         organisational reputation and culture

Organisational requirements Description
Question 3 List and describe three (3) techniques you can use to resolve communication challenges in the workplace. (100 words)
Question 4 Explain at least three (3) methods to mentor and coach others in the workplace. (100 words)
Question 5 Briefly explain the key principles of cross-cultural communication and communication with individuals with special needs or disabilities. (100 words)
Question 6 Discuss the communication protocols relevant to the following organisational information needs:

Organisational information needs Communication protocols
internal and external communication guides  
risk based/emergency communication guides  
style/formatting of communication guides  
processes for allocation of responsibilities for standard communication  
Question 7 Give at least two (2) examples of communication challenges relevant to performance evidence:

Communication challenges Examples
conflicts with clients or team members  
potential risks or safety hazards  
unethical or inappropriate communication  
appropriately framing organisational messaging  
Question 8 Describe the key relevant features of the different communication styles you can use in the workplace. (50 words for each technique)

Communication styles Key relevant features
Question 9 Describe the key relevant features of the different communication methods you can use in the workplace. (50 words for each technique)

Communication methods Key relevant features
Question 10 Describe the key relevant features of cross cultural communication techniques in the workplace. (50 words for each technique)

Cross cultural communication techniques Key relevant features
Question 11 Describe the key relevant features of at least two (2) negotiation techniques you can use in the workplace. (50 words for each technique)

Negotiation techniques Key relevant features
Question 12 Describe the key relevant features of at least three (3) conflict resolution techniques you can use in the workplace. (50 words for each technique)

Negotiation and conflict resolution techniques Key relevant features

Expert's Answer

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