CPCCBC5001 - NCC Scenario Part 1 - Assignment Help

Assessment Task 1 - NCC Scenario Part 1

Application of the NCC Volume One and the Australian Standards in the construction of a medium rise building project.

  1. Your company has won the tender for the construction of a new tourist accommodation building at a leading alpine ski resort in Australia.

As Project Manager for the construction, you would normally be given the task of scrutinising the plans and researching the specifications (assumed in this instance) and make notes covering the Risk Management of Construction Codes and Australian Standards that would be required to be addressed and instigated in the construction of this medium rise building.

Complete the table below that would address some (but not all) of the main issues listed in relation to the section of the NCC applicable and any Australian Standard that may be regulated by the NCC as well.

Note: There are a number of features to take into consideration:

  • Fireplaces
  • Energy Efficiency
Item Specification Note NCC/ Australian Standard Notes
1.         Building Licence required for contract and construction
2.         Class of Building  
3.         Design Requirements of Building
4.         Glazing  
5.         Fireplace
6.         Artificial Lighting  
7.         Energy Efficiency  
8.         Fire Resistance  

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