CPCCBC5001 - Analysis of Fire Protection Requirements in Medium Rise Construction - Assignment Help

Assessment Task 5 - Analysis of Fire Protection Requirements in Medium Rise Construction

Assessment Instructions

In this performance task, you are required to demonstrate the knowledge you have acquired by studying this unit.

Prepare a report to present to a client regarding the building codes and standards applicable to fire protection to the external load bearing wall for a two-storey class 9B building situated 2.7 metres from the allotment boundary, and, as a minimum, addressing the following points:

  1. The ‘Type of construction’ is required.
  2. The fire source feature that is present near the class 9B building
  3. The fire resistance levels (FRL) required for the external load bearing wall of the building
  4. The fire control elements most commonly adopted for that classification of building and type of construction.
  5. An example of a deemed to satisfy construction method for this type of construction;
  6. An example of an alternative solution for this type of construction.
  7. An example of a performance-based solution for fire protection and the assessment method that may be used.
  8. List any relevant Standards that are referenced by the NCC in relation to the requirements for that performance solution.

The report must be a minimum of one page.

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