NUR359 Transition to Registered Nurse

This weeks case studies focus on working collaboratively to promote a health workplace

Choose ONE ONLY of the below case studies from:

Chang, E., & Daly, J. (Eds.). (2020). Transitions in Nursing: Preparing for Professional Practice (5th ed.). Chatswood: Elsevier. ISBN 9780729543040. Chapter 8

Page 125: Case study 8.1 Palliative Care Ward

Page 125: Case study 8.3 Post-Operative Ward


You are working on a very busy post-operative ward with a team of nurses and doctors who work very well together. An experienced RN arrives from Canada to work on the ward and immediately suggests ways of doing things differently — things that worked well in her previous workplace.

Some of her suggestions sound interesting, but the other members of the team ignore her and are beginning to isolate her from their conversations.


  1. What is going on here socially?
  2. How are you going to relate to the newcomer when you are working with her?
  3. What are you going to do about it in terms of the team around you?

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