MEM30032A Produce Basic Engineering Drawings - Project/Case study Assignment Help

Project/Case study:

Case study:1 – Conduct a meeting with stakeholder and gather the information of the drawing.
o Conduct the meeting with stakeholder regarding to the drawing details.
o Confirm the dimensions, designs, and requirements.
o Make a note of all key features of the component/object.
o Ask the type of drawing required. (orthogonal/isometric)

Case study:2 – Conduct the meeting with stakeholder after the inspection of the drawing with details.
o Inspect the drawing and identify the drawing requirements and analyse the drawing requirements.
o Study the industrial standard related to the drawing and apply the industrial standards.
o Communicate with the stakeholder and confirm the drawing requirements as per the industrial standards.
o Give the estimated time to complete the given drawings.

Case study:3 – Prepare a drawing sheet format and prepare a title box.
o Understand the concept the paper size (A0, A1, A2, A3, and A4).
o Prepare a title box on the drawing sheet and print as per the standard format.
o Print the sample drawing sheets with the details.

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Case study:4 – List the drawings and details required for the 2D sketch.
o Get the standard 3D object from the instructor.
o List down the number of drawings will be required for detailed drawing.
o Understand the meaning of type of line and their thicknesses.
o Plan the layout (coordinate system, dimensions, text style, size, scale) for the drawing and save the layout.

Case study:5 – Draw the section of the 3D object using appropriate cutting planes
o Get the standard 3D object from the instructor.
o Cut the section plane and draw sectional drawing.
o Show the limit and fits for the given component with its symbols.
o Include the surface texture and geometric tolerance.
o Consult with the instructor and resolve the problems.
o Submit the complete drawing for assessment and get the feedback from instructor.
o Implement the feedbacks and submit the second revision of the file for assessment.

Case Study:6 – Select the component from the catalogue and draw the make a complete assembly of the drawing.
o Get the catalogue from the instructor and select a component.
o Get all the required dimensions and make not of the required drawing for the detailed drawing.
o Set the units according to the units given into the catalogue.
o Make the list of parts required for the assembly.
o Complete the assessment by submitting to the instructor.
o Make the necessary changes based on the feedback from the instructor.
o Draw the assembly of the parts and save it.
o Print the saved file and submit it for the assessment.
o Follow the workplace procedure.

Case study:7 – Draw the position of a hexagon of 25 mm side, having one of its sides in the HP and inclined at 60 to the vertical plane and its surface making an angle of 45 with the HP using Auxiliary plane method.
o Understand the given problem and draw the hexagonal with 25 mm sides and one of its sides 60 to the vertical plane.
o Draw the line at 45 degree and draw an auxiliary plane.
o Measure the distance from the horizontal plane make the lines with the same distance in auxiliary plane.
o Connect the lines and make a hexagon.
o Save the file and print it.

Case study:8 – Draw the Universal joint using assembly drawing.
o Get the dimensions of the components of the universal joint from the instructor.
o Draw the exploded drawing showing all the components.
o Assemble them in 3D and make a part list into the drawing sheet.
o Cut the section plane from centre and draw the sectional view of the mechanical component.
o Submit the drawing to the instructor.

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