BFA746 Pathway to Accounting and Finance Careers - Assessment Task 2

For this Assignment:

The Marinus Link project is the basis for this assignment.

In your role as a finance or accounting professional, you will be required to understand the relationship of financial information with the operation of the organisation and strategic goals. Often the skills of logic, critical thinking and problem solving will be called upon to communicate solutions and ideas beyond financial matters.

Requirement 1: Minutes of Meeting (300 words) (Group Work)

Working in your allocated group, convene a meeting on Zoom to review information for Marinus Link including financial information from the TasNetworks 2021 consolidated financial statements.

Before attending the meeting, you should undertake desktop research to contribute ideas to each of the meeting agenda items. All team members should contribute to the meeting. You should document the discussion of the meeting in the Meeting Minutes template (or create your own template), clearly identifying the contribution of each team member.

  1. Organisation purpose and goals
  2. Key Stakeholders and their interest in the financial and operational performance (include both internal and external stakeholders)
  3. Financial Information 2020-21 compared to 2019-20 (variances)
  4. Key business drivers that impact financial and investment decisions and performance
  5. Business Intelligence – review the Marinus Link information for evidence of existing Business Intelligence systems and data and analytics processes
  6. Business Intelligence – identify opportunities to use tools and strategies to supplement financial information to make it more meaningful to stakeholders and/or improve

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Requirement 2: PowerPoint Presentation (max. 15 slides) Individual Work

A new director is joining the board, you have been asked to prepare a PowerPoint overview of the organisation. This director has a non-finance background therefore the presentation should have an emphasis on financial information, operational and investment performance.

Using professional visual presentation tools and styles in your presentation to include tables and graphs created in Excel (use a Print screen or Snip function to copy from Excel to PowerPoint), commentary images and icons.

Your presentation should include key information identified from meeting and your own investigations.

Requirement 3: Written report (maximum 700 words) Board Paper (Individual work)

Use the template for a Board Paper from the Resources list on the following page and instructions.

As a result of the brief information in the presentation to the board member on business intelligence, the board have requested a more comprehensive Board Paper on business intelligence systems to be presented.

Undertake a desktop review of readily available systems and summarise the advantages and disadvantages of introducing a Business Intelligence system (you do not need to recommend a specific system).

The paper should help the board understand whether an investment in Business Intelligence will help them meet their obligations as a board member. Outline the implications, opportunities and risks of utilising data and analytics systems in the business.

The Board Report should be prepared using academic research conventions with all sources referenced using the Harvard referencing method and include both in-text and reference list.


Resources for use and consideration in completing this assignment plus all items in the relevant Content weeks, note your own research should extend beyond these sources:

What is a Stakeholder?

If you are not familiar with how to identify the stakeholders of an organisation, watch the following video and read the following summary.

Kress, L, 2020 How to Build a Stakeholder Map, The Business Scientist


CFI 2022 Stakeholder - Learn About the Different Types of Stakeholders


Role of the directors on a board of an organisation:

Institute of Community Directors Australia 2022, Overview of your Board Responsibilities, Institute of Community Directors, Melbourne Victoria, viewed 1 September 2022,

< responsibilities#:~:text=%20Overview%20of%20your%20board%20responsibilities%20%201,a%20qu alified%20firm%20or%20individual%20to...%20More%20>.

Australian Institute of Company Directors 2016, Role of the Board, viewed 1 September 2022,

< board-director-tool.pdf>.

Preparing board papers (including template):

Australian Institute of Company Directors 2016, Board Papers, Australian Institute of Company Directors, Sydney NSW, viewed 12 April 2022, < directors/meeting/paper/board-papers.html>.

Our Academic Assistance: service is all about doing research and being good at it. The more research one will do, the better the paper will turn out.

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