Information Technology / Information Systems - Portfolio report

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Assessment 3 – Part A

In Portfolio 2 students identified a role in Information Technology / Information Systems that they would like to target upon graduation. This final assessment builds upon the work students have already commenced as part of their Portfolio 2.

As part of this report, students are required to do the following
- Identify an entry level role they will be targeting upon graduation (you may re-use the role you already identified in Portfolio 2)
- Identify a role you will be targeting after 5 years of experience
- Identify a role you will be targeting after 10 years of experience

Once you have identified these roles
- Downloaded their job descriptions
- Outline the SFIA Levels of Responsibilities
- Outline the SFIA Skills (and Skills Codes) relevant to each job
- Create a table mapping the job descriptions in these roles to the SFIA Level of responsibility / SFIA Codes matrix
- Identify what the SFIA levels applicable to these roles

Now create a report outlining (Follow the Report Outline provided on Moodle)
- What is SFIA (Introduction)
- What Career path did you identify for yourself (Introduction)
- Importance of SFIA (Body)
- Use & Benefits of SFIA (Body)
- Detailed descriptions of the three roles you identified (Body)
- Mapping matrix you created mapping the job descriptions in these 3 roles to the SFIA Level of
responsibility / SFIA Codes matrix (body)
- Learnings you gained creating the mapping matrix (Conclusion)
- Use of SFIA framework in future to guide your career (Recommendations)

Our Academic Assistance: service is all about doing research and being good at it. The more research one will do, the better the paper will turn out.

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