IBU5COV Corporate Venturing - Research Analysis On Assessing Corporate Entrepreneurial Health

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Assessment 2:

Briefly describe the approach taken to discovering data about your chosen company. Include major categories of sources including:

  • Self-reporting: What the company discloses about itself, such as annual reports, web site, press releases etc.
  • External commentary: What external parties report about the company, such as industry reports, journal articles, expert commentators. Customer and employee forums may also be of value.

Aim to show that you have used reliable sources and methods.

Data Analysis and Discussion

Part A: Assess the entrepreneurial intensity of your chosen company.

Using data you have collected from your research, make an informed judgement about the entrepreneurial intensity of the company. Remember to consider frequency of entrepreneurship, degree of newness and the company’s attitude to innovativeness, risk-taking and proactiveness. If possible, position the company on the Entrepreneurial Grid, alongside major competitors.

Part B: Assess the Corporate Entrepreneurship Climate (CEC) of your chosen company.

Using data you have collected from your research, make an informed judgement about the climate for corporate entrepreneurship within the company. Refer to the five factors of the CECI instrument (Chapter 13, Table 13-2) and any other models that help to interpret and diagnose the CEC within the company.

Other theories and models may be referred to in this section also.

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