NURBN1016 Primary Health 1: Determinants of Health

Students will embed within their community analysis “interview” answers taken from a family member (or if you are an International student, ask another international student who has been in the country for 6 months or more) that reflect on their LGA from a personal perspective. Interview is a one-time encounter between researcher and respondent (Flick, 2021), so an explanation of the assessment will be required for the interviewee (respondent).

  • Remember to attach the answers to the questions (as written/recorded by you) as an appendix to your assessment.

In alignment with NURBN 2021 Health Promotion, you are expected to have an awareness of a local community and any health issues within it. You will need to retain your statistical information gathered for NURBN 1016 Assessment 2 to achieve success in NURBN 2021. Incorporating interview answers will broaden your understanding of the LGA and the health concerns within that community.

Choose your interview participant based on easy accessibility to the person – a family member is preferable.

  • Obtain consent to be part of the interview and willingness to answer the questions provided. The person is able to look at the questions to determine if they would like to be a part of the

·         Write down the answers provided as given (or record to write later)

  • Are there any health issues that link to your determinants and the questions?

Students are to ask the questions in a way that elicits a response. No “yes” or “no” responses will be accepted. These questions must be asked relative to your chosen determinants from the Assessment 2 list.

Ensure you include the consent to be interviewed response in your Assessment.

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Example: Thank you for agreeing to be interviewed for my assignment. May I confirm that you have consented to provide answers to 9 questions about your local community (LGA)?

In alignment with the community analysis requirement for Assessment 2, the following list of questions should be asked and summarised within the Assessment.

Q1. How have you seen the local community change over time?

  • Example: Has public transport improved or reduced?
  • Has behaviour in the community changed, low crime, low stress or the opposite?
  • Is there any obvious discrimination?
  • Make sure the question reflects your chosen determinants – these are just examples!

Q2. What are your thoughts on religion and culture in this community?

  • Have you noticed any changes to businesses? For example, is there an international supermarket in town?
  • Do you think there are enough churches or religious buildings for the community?

Q3. If you are a homeowner and pay rates to the local council, can you name 3 things that the council spends money on in the community? (If not a homeowner, is the person aware of 3 things that the council spends money on in the community/

  • Example: Weekly garbage collection

Q4. If you grew up here, did you go to school here?

  • If yes – Why did you remain in the LGA?
  • If no – What are your thoughts on the education facilities here?

Q5. Do you spend any time at the local parks?

  • If yes – what do you do there?
  • If no – is there a specific reason (other than mobility reasons) that you do not?

Q6. Do you use public transport to get around or do you use personal transport?

  • Why?

Q7. What would you say makes your community a safe place to live for everyone who lives here?

Q8. What Health and Social Services are you aware of in this community?

  • Do you use them?

Q9. Have you experienced any Government initiatives in your community such as the “Active Women and Girls” project or the “Future Healthy” initiative?

  • Are there any other Government initiatives you are aware of specifically run by your local council or the state government?

Student Instructions:

You will write a short analysis of the answers provided with obvious links to the 2 chosen determinants from the Assessment 2 list.

  1. Embed this analysis within your community analysis to provide the reflective component required by the assessment.
  2. Attach the answers as recorded (written) by you as an appendix to the assessment 2 submission

So –

  1. Gather your research and deep dive of your
  2. Ask someone in your family or if an international student, ask another international student the questions presented
  3. Write your summary of answers to the questions.
  4. Write your community profile report from your research with your interview answer summary integrated into your assignment.
  5. Reference in text and include a reference list – APA
  6. Attach the actual answers to the interview questions as an appendix.

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