SUS202 - Develop an Effective Transmedia Communication Strategy

This worksheet is a basis for evaluating and discussing your content for Assessment Task 3.

Your task

To develop an effective transmedia communication strategy to address a contemporary sustainability issue. Your strategy needs to be 1500 words (excluding the reference list but including in-text references and tables) and should draw on relevant sustainability communication theory and tools.

Step 1.

Sustainability issues are often complex with extensive spatial and temporal dimensions. Choose an important sustainability issue that: (1) interests you; (2) is relevant to your degree program and professional interests, and (3) has information that you can readily access.

Step 2.

Use the library databases and various media to develop a comprehensive understanding of your issue and current attitudes towards it. This is an essential step and will assist you to define appropriate communication goals and target audiences. Understanding your issue and target audience will also assist you in narrowing the scope of your communications strategy. A good way to begin to narrow the scope is to limit the spatial boundaries of the issue (e.g. focus on one region, community or stakeholder group). You may also consider limiting the topic by dividing it into categories and only focusing on one subcategory (e.g. carbon dioxide emissions from passenger vehicles—as opposed to all carbon dioxide emissions).

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Step 3.

Ensure that all required elements are addressed by structuring your strategy using the following subheadings:

  • Introduction,
  • Goals,
  • Audiences,
  • Messages,
  • Messengers,
  • Modes,
  • Monitoring and

Step 4.

Include a list of references using in-text references throughout your report, completing your report with a full list of references using either Harvard or APA formatting.

Step 5.

Submit your case study report to the Task 3 Submission page within the SUS202 course on Canvas.

Online resources:

There are several generic guides and examples (e.g. Communication-Plan) on the web that you may find useful

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