Critical Reflective Essay On The Need for Environmental Care

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Critical Reflective Writing Task

Question: Why do you care about the environment?
Write an essay of up to 2000 words that critically reflects on your own attitudes to the environment. Reflect on why you hold these attitudes and how they relate to broader eco-philosophical concepts and social changes discussed in class, as well as their relevance to your current or future professional practice.


  • You should reflect upon your own environmental values and motivations and identify how they align or differ from the eco-philosophies discussed in class or in the wider literature.
  • You should demonstrate deep knowledge of the relevant eco-philosophical concepts from the academic literature.
  • You should consider how growing environmental awareness and activism in society may have influenced your attitudes to the environment.
  • You should also consider how your attitudes do, or could, inform professional practice in terms of your current workplace or your preferred career.
  • You may identify strongly with one eco-philosophy or you may find you identify with parts of different eco-philosophies. This is okay. You should identify and explore these tensions.
  • You are encouraged to write in the first person - use ‘I’ ‘me’ etc
  • You are encouraged to write about significant events in your life that may have influenced your attitudes

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