PHI3PCM - Existentialism Assignment 2 Article Review

For this Assignment:

  1. Choose one article or book chapter from the Library List Secondary Readings; and
  2. Write a review of the author’s argument (1000 words, + or – 10%).

Your review should contain the following:

  1. A brief introduction stating
    1. the author’s name, article/book chapter title, the topic that it addresses; and
    2. how your review proceeds, that is, outline what you will do in this review (for example, “after outlining the author’s aims, this review assesses the arguments and evidence for the view that ….”
  1. The purpose of the main part of your review (roughly 3 paragraphs) is to explain to your reader what the argument of the article/chapter is, and to assess how well it is supported. Note the following:
    1. In outlining the author’s aims, central argument and main premises (evidence):
      1. Don’t assume your reader has read the article/chapter, ie. give enough of a picture of what the point of the article is, what concepts are drawn upon and how the argument is advanced, to help your reader understand your assessment that will follow; and
      2. Use Harvard in-text referencing (For example, Nicolacopoulos 2020, p. 21).
    2. Explain what evidence the author relies on (for example, if the article is offering an interpretation of a particular concept, the evidence may be primary textual support for the claims being made.)
    3. Explain what you see as the strengths of this argument. Do you find it helpful in some way? Are the claims advanced convincing? Did it change your mind in some way? Was the perspective/position from which the argument is advanced clear and explicit?
    4. Identify any weaknesses or limitations. For example, are you aware of counter-evidence for a claim made in the article? Was the authorial perspective problematic in some way (for example, suggestive of bias, unacknowledged privilege)? Is the scope too narrow, that is, it puts the case for its position well, but the topic/issue addressed seems to be missing something really important (eg the article makes general claims about gender while ignoring gender diversity)? Are there inconsistencies in the claims advanced? You may comment on how the argument of the article might have been made more strongly.
    5. You are not expected to address everything mentioned in c and d, they are only examples of what you might choose to focus on. One or two well-presented points regarding strengths and weaknesses of the article are preferable to a list of claims.
    6. You are not required to show evidence of further research for this assignment, but you may refer to other sources, for example, to make a point of comparison that helps to show a particular strength or weakness of the article/chapter.
  1. A conclusion summarising your main findings/assessment of the argument of the article/chapter.


Include the publication details of your chosen article, using Harvard style, (for example, Nicolacopoulos, T 2020, ‘The a of b’, Journal of x Studies, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 13-33.)

As this is not a research assignment you don’t need to include any further references. However, if you do, you should include the bibliographical details here.


Assessment Criteria

Writing (25%)

  • How well and clearly organised is your review?
  • Is your discussion presented systematically and logically using paragraphs appropriately?
  • Is the review written in clear language following grammar and punctuation conventions?
  • Has the review been edited and proofread carefully?
  • Is the article and any other source correctly referenced?

Study Skills – Following the Brief (25%)

  • Was an article or book chapter chosen from the Secondary Readings on the Library List
  • Does the review remain within the word length? (1000-words; the +/- 10% )
  • Does your review include an introduction and conclusion with appropriate details?
  • Does the review include a description of the author’s aims/topic addressed and the main argument?
  • Does the review include discussion of the evidence for/premises of the argument, strengths and limitations/weaknesses of the argument?

Critical Engagement (50%)

  • Does the review demonstrate a clear understanding of the aims and argument, including a thorough understanding of the key concepts and evidence/reasoning used to develop the argument?
  • Does the review present a coherent explanation of the strengths of the article/chapter?
  • Does the review present an insightful statement of some weaknesses/limitations of the article/chapter?

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