Literature Review and ethics compilation: Patterns of hand sanitizing in a public commercial setting

 The Title: Patterns of hand sanitising in a public commercial setting.

Word limit: 2500 words with a maximum of 5 figures/tables plus references.

Some ideas:

Database for initial searches (handwashing and community) : Pubmed

Citation searches: Scopus

Good paper to start with:

Title and research question The research question contains design, population, intervention, comparison and outcomes.

The research question is focussed, clear and insightful

Abstract Abstract is a well-structured, clear and accurate reflection of the review
Introduction All of the previous, with strong paragraph structures, insightful arguments, clear aims of review.
Method Succinctly describes search process so that it could be replicated, is effective and thorough
Body of Review (discussion) Literature is synthesised into key points. Key points are supported by multiple papers. Evidence is weighed up based on the quality of the papers. Insightful arguments constructed using papers found. Clear front line of research & precise gap in literature
References 26+ references, range of types, accurate. Exhaustive, complete
Format, style, structure and academic writing Clear articulate writing of academic style. Accurate use of tables and figures. No errors

Note: The word count includes Intro, method, body of review (discussion) conclusions, In-text citations, and quotations. The word count does not include: title, abstract, captions tables, figures, or references. Do not use footnotes.

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