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While assessing the risk of material misstatement and determining the appropriate response with regard to the inventory of Computing Solutions Limit. (Computing Solutions) for the 30 June 2019 audit. you become aware of the following information:
d) The best-selling computer presentation package has been experiencing a high level of returns owing to suspect. software problems
(ii) Base on closing inventory. inventory turned over an average of 5.2 times in 2018 and 3.8 Mes in 2019
(id) Computing Solutions move its inventory from a central warehouse to six new regional warehouses in March 2019
(iv) Inventory on ha. at e. of year represent. 26 per cent of sales in 2019 and 19 per cent of sales in 2018
(v) Computing Solutions has recently won a tender to supply a large government department with various products. In order to win the tender and prevent competitors from gaining a foothold in the public sector market. Computing Solutions agree to supply the items at 10 per cent below their cost price. The first shipment is due to be delivered to the government department in the middle of July 2019.
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