ACC706 Accounting Theory and Issues - Assignment Help on CSR Report of DABUR INDIA PVT. LTD

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Dabur is one of largest natural and Ayurveda manufacturer in consumer products. The products of Dabur Company are exported in more than 50 countries.  It drives their corporate social responsibilities activities through Sundesh, a non-profit organization whose aim is to carry out the welfare activities in the health, education and socio-economic sector. It is the most trustable brand of India and ranks 19 in 2015. There are several CSR activities that are initiated by Dabur such as ‘Water Conservation and Management project’, ‘Making a Difference’, ‘700 Se 7 Kadam’ and helping 12 villages in achieving Open Defecation Free status. CSR disclosures are defined as the announcements made by the companies in terms of financial or non-financial information which explains the interaction of the firm with the environment. Dabur revealed the information on the occasion of the third anniversary of Swachh Bharat Mission that they helped around 12 villages of Uttar Pradesh and Himachal Pradesh in achieving the Open Defecation Free (ODF) status. They also disclose that their next step is to increase the number of villages by the end of 2016-2017. The main purpose of the study is to highlight the importance of disclosure of CSR activities with the stakeholders and analyze the impact on the business. 

Executive Summary

 Dabur India is largest Ayurveda company and drives their CSR activities though sustainability environment. Dabur performs its CSR activities in a very effective manner and contributes a lot in cleaning the rural areas and providing them with a better quality of life. The social disclosures  of Dabur India company provide positive information that helps in confirming the operations that the company is performing for the betterment of the environment and the society. It apply the theory of stakeholder and legitimacy theory which is beneficiaries for both organization and society. The  importance of CSR disclosure for organizations is to attract more investors that provide financial support to the organization.


Dabur India's CSR Policy is driven by the expressions of its organizer Dr S K Burman who said "What is that life worth which can't convey solace to other people". While seeking after our business technique of presenting items that give our customers wellbeing and health, Dabur works in a way that not simply keeps on producing an appealing return for investors, yet in addition limits our effect on the earth and aides in recharging the planet; while loaning some assistance to the network.

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