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Case Study: Market Evaluation Analysis
Title: A1_Market Evaluation_[student ID number]_[student surname]
Due date: Friday 3rd April @ 23.59 pm via Turnitin
Weighting: 50%
Category: Individual report
Word limit: 1,500 Words (+/- 10% of word limit is acceptable).
Format: Written report, size 12 Times New Roman font, 1.5 line spacing. Consistent Referencing style required. A table can be used but should be kept to 1x ½ page max (not included in word count), appendices (max 25 pages) are also excluded from the word limit.
Purpose: To assess students’ ability to evaluate a business case in relation to social and ethical understanding, identifying critical issues, developing and formulate international marketing recommendations based on the provided context.
Related 1. Discuss and apply knowledge of international marketing concepts and
Learning principles in analysing international marketing issues.
Outcomes: 3. Critically evaluate international marketing issues from ethical and social responsibility perspectives and formulate and justify evidence-based solutions that respond to key issues.
Description: Students are required to provide a concise assessment of the provided case-study by -among other topics described in the case- identifying the main international marketing and ethical dilemmas, addressing these issues by providing realistic and justified international marketing recommendations. Remember to support your findings, arguments and recommendations with academic peer reviewed sources, market research, magazine articles and business/industry media. The focus is on selected components of marketing.
Suggested Section 1. Identification of market specific issues, constraints and opportunities
structure: (approx. 500 words). Base your issues on theoretical international concepts. As the international marketing manager, what are the pertinent environmental and ethical issues to consider in this case? Use journals to help give your responses some depth. Section 2. Explore the social, cultural and consumer behaviour elements of the target markets and the selected nation of your focus (approx. 500 words). Being the International marketing manager, what are the social, cultural and consumer behaviour implications you need to focus on? Use journals to support your alternatives. Section 3. Recommendations (approx. 500 words). Make a stand. What would you do as the International marketing manager for this company (link this to previous sections)? How would you respond? What international marketing responses do you recommend your CEO and why? See also how to analyse a case for suggestions (pp.626-633) in the textbook.
Context: The company context: you work for the company as the international marketing manager. The country context: the specific elements related to the target country that you must evaluate. Evaluate from both an input perspective (i.e., Australian branding with production in Vietnam), and from an output perspective (i.e., sales and distribution in England or Italy). The ethical context: corporate behaviour operationalized through the CSR concept (please use CSR predominantly for your arguments). Link the CSR to the other marketing elements within the context that you think are important to the case.
* * * * *
You are hired as the international marketing manager (IMM) for a medium sized Australian brewery start-up called BREWIE (a fictitious company). They produce an organic corn-based beer infused with Bundaberg Rum (a total alcohol level of 10%) tapped in a sparkling-wine type of bottle. You have been given the task to evaluate production in Vietnam (i.e. brewing and bottling for export purposes only) for the European market (i.e. to sell and distribute the products in Europe). The company has made these decisions due to an increased European demand for exotic products high in originality, and because existing domestic production in Australia cannot be scaled up to achieve large enough quantities to support any foreign markets. For this reason, BREWIE seeks to create an image that connects the product to some Australiana despite it being produced in South-East Asia. Further, since there’s a growing global trend where socially aware and conscious consumers demand sustainable products, with low environmental footprint provided by an ethical company, you need to address these challenges to position your arguments and recommendations.
First, evaluate the Vietnamese production for BREWIE and any implications for the brand considering Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) issues related to the context. Second, being the international marketing manager for BREWIE, you must evaluate (research and compare) which one country you recommend selling the BREWIE product in: England or Italy. To make this decision you must research and compare both markets from the following perspectives: a) the positioning (what the product could or should be ‘perceived’ to be for the consumer); b) the target group (who should by it); and c) the product (what it is and what name so sell it under). Note: you do not need to discuss product-based communication or pricing. Finally, you need to assess what ethical/CSR aspects to communicate in your selected target country (a core component).
Recommendation: it is valuable for your learning journey to approach this type of assessments via a ‘master-document’ approach. Try to complete a comprehensive document containing all needed data/information, then use this document as a source to write your report.
Note: lectures, tutorial activities, readings as well as your own diligence will help you complete the assessment. Therefore, please attend all tutorials and lectures. All information related to the assessment will be provided on the BB site, lectures will be recorded (but recordings are not a replacement for physical attendance), while tutorial material will be available after the tutorial. Please respect that assessing tutorial material only (without attending the tutorial) is not a replacement for tutorial activities. Active participation is the best way to do well in this unit and its assessments.
Good Luck!
The first aspect that must be addressed by the marketer is CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility). Whilst CSR is an integral part of the developmental strategy in Europe (Yildiz & Ozerim, 2014), CSR as a concept is not well-defined in Vietnam (Tran & Jeppesen, 2016). Tran and Jeppesen (2016) highlighted that in Vietnam, the working conditions are gradually improving, however, when considered from a European perspective, a product manufactured in Vietnam and sold in Europe may bring in negative publicity. The fundamental difference is that in Vietnam, the focus is on short-term results, and long-term aspects like sustainability are not given much importance. The working conditions must be improved along two lines- First, by giving more freedom to workers (currently they cannot even have a union) and second, by reducing the emission from any manufacturing activity.
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