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Question & Answers

Analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the article

In 1,000 words, use your skills to critically review and analyse the content of this article.  Note that references do not count toward the 1,000 word limit. 

Your analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the article are the major requirement in this assessment.

Assessment Criteria

 The assessment is graded against specific criteria that include:

  • Relevance of your work –answer the assigned question
  • Quality of your answer including accuracy, depth of analysis
  • Evidence of critical reflection and understanding –  your arguments and conclusions must be based on evidence from the literature where appropriate (use the literature in your analysis - not just quote the literature)
  • Where appropriate, reference appropriately and accurately
  • Coherence of your work – logical flow, clear and concise presentation
  • No plagiarism
  • Adherence to the word limit

Due in 27 of April.

Expert's Answer

Summary of the article

The core focus of the review is on “The prevalence and causes of vision loss in Indigenous Australians: the National Indigenous Eye Health Survey” which has been conducted by Taylor et al. (2010). The occurrence of eye related impairments and visual loss has been witnessed more in Aboriginal Australians

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