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Analytical report on Communication process

The assessment for this module requires you to write an analytical, reflective paper of 2500 words. The paper will be written by you after you have followed a process of exploring a professional communication process that you believe needs to be further developed in your workplace*.

Follow the steps below to think through the communication process you have identified (we suggest you make notes of your thinking as you follow the steps):

  1. Write down a description of the communication process that you have chosen and which you believe needs to be improved in your workplace. Work through the elements of thought in thinking through the communication process.
  2. Jot down any issues, questions, or problems with the communication process in your workplace from your experience with the communication process.
  3. Conduct a literature search to find out what the best practice is for that workplace communication process.
  4. Compare the best practice you have identified from the literature with what happens in your workplace. Add the things you identify to the list you made in Step 2.
  5. Jot down a number of ways in which the communication process might be improved and why you think so. Make a note of any literature that supports your ideas.
  6. Make some notes about ways in which changes might be implemented to improve the communication process in your workplace.

the purpose of this assignment is:

  1. To critically evaluate the communication process you have chosen in your workplace
  2. To demonstrate to us that you understand the nature of critical thinking by making sure that your writing reflects the elements of thought. Remember to refer to the Miniature Guide, particularly pages 4 and 5 (titled: A Checklist for Reasoning).

You are postgraduate students, so you can decide how you structure your paper to fulfil the two purposes above. However, please note: if you have negotiated to evaluate a communication process that is not in your workplace, make sure you write that in the introduction of your paper.

There is an assessment rubric available so you can make sure you are achieving what is required to complete the paper

Expert's Answer

Effective communication is the basic key element on which foundation of any workplace stands upon. Without devising an effective communication strategy, the employer and the employees cannot provide quality services to the customers. Specially in nursing practice, the entire framework of quality diagnosis and treatment depends upon how effective the communication is, primarily between the patients and nurses and secondarily between the hospital staff i.e., among nurses and doctors and other health professionals. Nurses are the backbone of any strong healthcare system and the daily interactions with patients from all sorts of educational, social, and cultural background makes clear communication a pre-requisite for effective nursing practice (Kourkouta & Papathanasiou, 2014).

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