BUSS 3053 International Management Ethics and Values

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Assessment 1.2 Questions (Answer one or the other)
Question 1: Organizational strategy and ethical and sustainable business – Interface

Do the Interface vision, mission and values statements collectively represent an adequate set of values to guide the organization in terms of the ethical standards by which it should operate? Justify your answer.
Requirements for your response:
(a) Provide a concise analysis by mapping items from the Interface documents to the items on the Ethical Decision-Making worksheet.
(b) Provide a concluding section that:
Answers the question “Do the Interface vision, mission and values statements collectively represent an adequate set of values to guide the organization in terms of the ethical standards by which it should operate?” This could be ‘yes’, ‘yes but there are gaps’, ‘no’…. or whatever you feel is appropriate.
Summarizes the strengths of the Interface statements – in particular look for themes running through them that you think are important for an organization to display.
Identifies any weaknesses you may have found.
Presents recommendations (if any) you feel Interface might be able to adopt to improve the content of its statements.”

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