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Assessment 1 Annotated Bibliography


This first assessment asks you to provide a brief account of available literature/research on a topic in Knowledge Management. This document will inform later assessments.  

The purpose of this task is to carefully examine and evaluate a body of literature to demonstrate the quality and depth of your reading and exemplify the scope of sources available by addressing one of the topics below:


  1. Managing creativity in organisations 
  1. The role of motivation in knowledge sharing 
  1. Human and intelligent machine knowledge exchange 

The unit learning outcome(s) assessed is/are: 

  • LO 2 Critically evaluate priorities and articulate key issues in complex knowledge management problems; 
  • LO 4 Demonstrate autonomous, self-directed learning skills and habits  

Clink the link for a guide on writing an annotated bibliography: Guide to writing an annotated bibliography


  1. Select ONLY one of the following topics to conduct your search:
    1. Managing creativity in organisations
    2. The role of motivation in knowledge sharing
    3. Human and intelligent machine knowledge exchange
  2. Select the top 6 sources that you believe demonstrates quality and strength to enable a researcher to progress into writing a robust literature review on the chosen topic. 
  3. Each chosen source should be from a peer reviewed journal and you must also indicate their citation score. 
  4. Each bibliography needs to be between 150-200 words. 
  5. Use Harvard Style of referencing 
  6. See the "Guide to writing an annotated bibliography" for extra notes and sample on what is Annotated Bibliography 
  7. Submit within the deadline into Dropbox. 

Assessment Criteria

  • Topical relationship of sources to paper 
  • Quality and authority of sources selected 
  • Variety of information sources in terms of discipline, format, time, level, etc. 
  • Identification & description of authority of sources 
  • Quality & clarity of the summary of ideas in sources 
  • Representation & discussion of relevance of sources to paper or project 
  • Quantity of sources cited 
  • Accuracy of the citations & Harvard Style 
  • Research strategies & tools 

Expert's Answer

The authors have highlighted that creativity does exist when there is authentic leadership. The creation of any form of creativity is incomplete if there is no positive leadership in an organization. A company may create innovation and creativity within the staff members and also reflect it through its business operations. It may be only possible if a company has an authentic leadership under which skills can get polished.

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