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Assessment 2 case study report

Case study for assessment 2

When DGL International, a manufacturer of refinery equipment, brought John Terrill to manage its services division, company executives informed him of the urgent situation. Technical services, with 20 engineers, was the highest-paid, best-educated and least productive division in the company. The instructions to Terrill: turn it around. Terrill called a meeting of the engineers. He showed great concern for their personal welfare and asked point blank: ‘What’s the problem? Why can’t we produce? Why does this division have such turnover?’ Without hesitation, employees launched a hail of complaints, ‘I was hired as an engineer, not a pencil pusher’, and ‘We spend over half our time writing asinine reports in triplicate for top management, and no one reads the reports’.

After a two-hour discussion, Terrill concluded he had to get top management off the engineers’ backs. He promised the engineers, ‘My job is to stay out of your way so you can do your work, and I’ll try to keep top management off your backs, too’. He called for the day’s reports and issued an order effective immediately that the originals be turned in daily to his office rather than mailed to headquarters. For three weeks, technical reports piled up on his desk. By month’s end, the stack was nearly a metre high. During that time no one called for the reports. When other managers entered his office and saw the stack, they usually asked, ‘What’s all this?’ Terrill answered: ‘Technical reports’. No one asked to read them.

Finally, at month’s end, a secretary from finance called and asked for the monthly travel and expense report, Terrill responded, ‘Meet me in the president’s office tomorrow morning’. The next morning the engineers cheered as Terrill walked through the department pushing a cart loaded with the enormous stack of reports. They knew the showdown had come.

Terrill entered the CEO’s office and placed the stack of reports on his desk. The CEO and the other senior executives looked bewildered. ‘This’, Terrill announced ‘is the reason for the lack of productivity in the technical services division. These are the reports you people require every month. The fact that they sat on my desk all month shows that no one reads this material. I suggest that the engineers’ time could be used in a more productive manner’.

The CEO and the senior executives admit that there has been a process error. However, they are not entirely convinced on how Terrill attempted to resolve it. The company brings in you as an organisational leadership consultant to assess the current issues and provide a report with recommendations to resolve matters related to leadership and team development. Refer to the assessment instruction document for detailed instruction.

Assessment 2 report instructions

  1. The context of the assessment:
    1. You are a consultant in organisational leadership
    2. Your client is DGL International
    3. You will analyse the information presented in the case study
    4. You will present you analysis along with recommendations in a report
  1. Preparing the report:
    1. Use a report format suitable for the Use the template provided as a guide.
      1. Linespacing 5
      2. Use meaningful heading and subheadings
  1. Provide a discussion of the issues identified, especially focusing on Terrill’s leadership
    1. Relate these issues to the theories and concepts you
    2. Provide references when necessary.
  1. Analysing the issues
    1. Identify the current leadership style and source of power to describe the leadership of Terrill and if possible, comment on the senior leadership
    2. Use at least two different leadership styles in your answer
  • How would you describe the followers (Engineers)?
  1. What is the team composition like?
  2. Provide references when necessary.


  1. Provide recommendations
    1. You should use the situational model in your recommendations, describing the current position and the recommended position to be.
    2. Good recommendations are specific and

Note that the executive summary, title page, table of contents, list of illustrations/tables, references, and appendices are not included in the 2200-word count. The word count could be

+/- 10% of the total.

Expert's Answer

In order to effectively influence the followers in any specific situation, the leader needs to adopt the most suitable approach and style of leadership which is well aligned with the given situational context.

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