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Question & Answers

Assessment 2 Compare and Contrast

Marked out of: 35 Task Description: Assessment 2: Compare and contrast

Weight: 35,

When: Thursday, 16 April, 2020 - 4.00 pm (Week 7) Task:

For this task you are required to write a 1500 word essay that compares and contrasts the content and style of two articles. You will learn how to identify the key points of an article and how to succinctly determine an author, argument and overall message. You will learn how to critically compare and contrast two author's views on the same topic despite being expressed in different ways and in different forums. The content will also familiarise you with social policy, how it is developed and contested issues for policy makers. Knowledge and skills derived from this task will not only assist with development of critical analysis skills but will also provide you with the consideration that, as a future human services practitioner, it is possible to influence policy.


Your 1500 word essay will have an introduction, outlining the aim of the essay and key points that will be discussed. It is important you appropriately refer to the title of the articles and the authors in your introductory paragraph. The

subsequent paragraphs, which will become the body of your assignment, will articulate identified similarities and differences in relation to content and then identified similarities and differences in relation to style. Your essay will incorporate an articulation of unanswered questions (for each author) that from a reader, perspective, was not addressed in the articles. You are not lirnited to a set amount of questions; however, it is essential to have a minimum of question for each author. Please ensure your questions demonstrate relevance a. insight. The essay should then finish with a concluding paragraph.

This paper is an academic essay that should not be written in the first person.

In-text references and your reference list need to be undertaken in accordance to APA 6. You can incorporate additional references if desired, however, at minimum; the two articles must be appropriately referenced.

The following questions should guide your essay:

  • What are the key pieces of evidence and/or data used in each article? (you do not need to compare and contrast this particular criteria. A minimum of three key pieces of evidence/data per article is required)
  • What sirnilarities and/or differences are there in the main arguments of the articles?
  • What sirnilarities and/or differences are there in the message they are sending to policy makers?
  • What similarities and/or differences are there in the style of writing being used?
  • What similarities and/or differences are there in the credibility of the articles?
  • What questions were left unanswered from each article?

Criteria & Marking: Marking criteria

  • Comprehension: ability to distinguish key evidence and/or data of each article (5 marks)
  • Content analysis: Clear analysis of any similarities and/or differences in 1) main arguments, and 2) policy messages in the two articles (10 marks)
  • Style analysis: Clear analysis of any similarities and/or differences in 1) writing style and 2) a

credibility of articles (10 marks)

  • Questions for authors: Clearly articulated,

insightful, relevant questions for the authors (4 marks)

  • Well written, grammatically correct and appropriately formatted essay (4 marks)
  • Referencing and reference list in accordance to APA 6 (2 marks)


At the convenor's discretion, resubmission may be permitted, for no more than pass.

Submission: Text Matching Tool - Turnitin. Submission via the Learning@Griffith site.

This assessment item:

  • is a school based activity
  • is an individual activity
  • does not include a self assessment activity
  • may be available for resubmission (see conditions outlined in Resubmission)

Compare and contrast articles

Article 1:

Four lessons from 11  years of Closing tlpreports Website by Nicholas Biddle 14/02/2019

Article 2:

Perceived racism may partially explain the  gap in health  between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Victorians: A cross-sectional  population based study

SSM - Population Health

Article by Alison Markwick; Zahid Ansari; Darren Clinch; John McNeil 04/2019

Please note, the above is not the appropriate referencing style. You should reference in APA 7 for your essay (APA 6 will be accepted for T1-2020). Assistance on how to reference, both in-text and reference list, is provid. by Librarians and at Common Time.

Expert's Answer

The Indigenous individuals in Australia are now considered a minority in their own country, these individuals were the one to make Australia an independent nation.  These individuals face many difficulties in their everyday life and aren’t getting their basic human rights (Cooke, Mitrou, Lawrence, Guimond & Beavon, 2017). The essay compares two articles, first one is by Markwick, Ansari, Clinch and McNeil (2019) and Biddle (2019). The former article’s topic is ‘Perceived racism may partially explain the gap in health between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Victorians: A cross-sectional population-based study’.

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